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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

During this week, we begun by discover different platform have to be used this year. I never had so much windows open as this day. I felt a little bit lost, disoriented.

I therefore decided to organize myself better as possible to try to see more clearly and to have a better productivity during this journey.

To do this, I use Notion, this application allows me to collect all informations in one place. I can put my calendar, my to do list, my notes and all links I can have to use.

One of this link give me the occasion to see alumni works. I could see many inspiring projects, I very liked the process of documentation, it’s very interesting to see the evolution of students research and the difference between all of them.

First Step with Gitlab

We started to use Gitlab to our first week documentation. I was a little scared at the beginning because I never did computer coding, so I decided to focus on the content. I have written my text on Notion and search pictures of my old projects. It was complicated because it has not been my practice to regularly document my work. That why I’m very excited about writing all my experiences with Fabricademy.

I have my text, my images, I don’t have excuses anymore, I must now start with Gitlab. To begin, I substitute the fake text by mine. So far, so good. Actually, the whole thing is quite simple, but it’s time to upload pictures right now…I think I have spoken too hastily.


Second test : Oops… I think I forgot a bracket

Third test : This time, that good, but the picture is too big.

Fourth test : I don’t know what is doesn't working...but it doesn't working.

Fifth test : Alright, the picture figure in the good size, but it can be better if it was centered.

After a few more kicks, I finally found the good path.

The last step is to change the color and the font of the website in mkdocs, probably my favourite part.

Now, the essential is done, but I’m a little frustrated because I don’t have enough skills to change the layout. Luckily, YouTube is always here to help me. There is many tutorial to better understand the Markdown language, I hope this might help me to improve myself and to create a website that satisfy me.

Thanks to this tutorial I finally managed to put online this video. Yes, I’m proud.

Last update: 2022-09-25