13. Skin Electronics¶
I cannot think about the future of beauty without talking about Lauren Bowker and her studio The Unseen. I have had the privilege to work for her twice three years ago and it still remains the most interesting experience in my professional path. She started working on textiles using thermochromic inks to reveal emotions through garments ( with the action of colors and heat). She then applied the science in the cosmetic field to create living makeups. In my opinion her vision is one of the greatest of our generation's designers. The way she transmutes beauty with new stereotypes, sharing a deep and shady view on beauty absolutely reflects my idea of what is beautiful. She always emphasized that what is beautiful is what is hidden and works hard to reveal unseen aspects of the body to the world. I find her inspiring in every aspects of her work.
I honestly enjoy researching on beauty/health standards & rituals as it is one of my greatest passion; I find the body in+out very fascinating as well as the cultures/modifications you can do to embody it. After having been part of The Unseen I have understood that this field was the one that interested me the most then I would like to pursue my researches/projects about it or have the opportunity to work in another similar studio, as I feel to belong here.
But I have to say, that electronics are NOT my thing. I have more an organic, poetic, romantic, aesthetical vision and I struggled very much with anything being a circuit or anything related. So if I am honest I tried to focused on other aspects of the project.
I have been inspired by beauty rituals on hands and feet (mostly) called "Henna", also by discovering it has lots of unexpected virtues :
• Natural Coolant
• Antiseptic properties
• Agent against arthritis and viral (anti-inflammatory)
• Positive psychological Effects (antiseptic, cooling, relaxing aroma)
• Anti skin ailment agent (healing wounds, anti-bacterial)
• Normalizes blood pressure (anti-inflammatory, in contact with the veins)
• Aphrodisiac (enhances romantic feeling thanks to oils virtues)
I found it interesting & inspiring that Henna has some properties as a cooling agent, knowing that in various cultures, we name different elements to reach balance in the body (fire,water,air,earth).
Also, hands are a very special part of the body in terms of connection with others as well as identity, if we think about the fingerprints.
In some cultures/beliefs, they also say we can read one's personality or future into the palm.
An idea that came to mind was imagining a kind of super power able to bring heat from the palm of the hand. (in other things)
The fire and its energy, the sun. Fire is a phenomenon that has been feared and revered since the beginning of time. It is one of the oldest technologies we have had in the course of humanity.
So many mythologies, cultural stories, and religions have infused fire into our lives as a way to teach lessons.
Its practical applications are many as well. It can be used to cook food, provide warmth, and create light. But it’s also been used as a tool of destruction. It can level entire forests and leveled cities. So many mythologies, cultural stories, and religions have infused fire into our lives as a way to teach lessons. Its practical applications are many as well. It can be used to cook food, provide warmth, and create light.
From literature and religion, the sun and fire symbolizes some of the followings :
• Creativity
• Chaos
• Purification
• Cleansing
• Eternity
• Hope
• Transformation
• Divine Wisdom and Knowledge
• Renewal & Rebirth
• Hell and the Underworld
It is also present in Alchemy & Astrology.
My project is mostly a simulation has I did not have the tools to create it.
But basically I wanted to start off a tattoo, drawing inspiration from henna designs. To create it with the idea of fire, I researched for textures out of sun/fire texture to find interesting patterns to create the tattoo design.
I made various tests create a design with conductive ink which would permits the electricity to circulate while still being pleasing aesthetically + representing that fire energy.
I thought about integrating in the bracelet a ... that would generate this code (to heat-up) that I used in week08 for thermochromic inks.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
The conductive tattoo could be transfered in various way :
• 3d printing/printing on transfer paper
• create a stencil and draw conductive ink with a brush
• genuine tattoo with a conductive ink
• Burn/melt things
• Combustion inducement
• Heat manipulation (heat generation, personal heat)
• light generation ?
I selected the idea of practicing care through heat. / I like the fact that fire actually has the power to gather people and connect / A tiger balm, is an heating/cooling ointment made out of strong essential oils mainly (+vaseline), developed by a Chinese herbalist in the late 19th century and used by Chinese emperors to relieve many minor health problems.
• relieve inflammation
• relieve muscle/join pain
• relieve abdominal pain
• Headaches and migraines
• Relieve insect bites
• Relieve colds, sinusitis and sore throat
• Against the cold