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3. Circular Open Source Fashion

Research & Ideation

Credit: Machteld Zee

Open-source fashion encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the industry. By making designs, patterns, and technologies openly available, it allows for collective innovation. This can lead to the development of new sustainable materials, manufacturing processes, and design techniques that benefit the industry as a whole.

Clothing production contributes significantly to environmental pollution at various stages of its life cycle. Some of the environmental impacts associated with manufacturing new clothing include:

  • Consumption of natural resources.
  • Water Pollution
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Textile waste
  • Toxic chemicals

describe what you see in this image

To address these issues, sustainable fashion and the adoption of circular practices are gaining importance. This includes promoting reuse, recycling, sustainable design and the use of eco-friendly materials. Additionally, consumers can contribute by choosing brands that adopt more sustainable practices and considering second-hand fashion as an option to reduce the demand for new clothing production.

This week's idea came from the love of my life, electronic circuits, PCB boards. I love the idea of interconnection with fabrics and that is exactly what electronic circuits do.

References & Inspiration

  1. Amaya De yavorsky Published on November 05 2019

  2. Loes Bogers Published on July 14 2020

  3. Kae Nagano Published on October 10 2023

  4. Julie Merlino Published on October 12 2021

  5. Marie-Charlotte Desforges Published on July 19 2022

  6. Ziortza Aurrekoetxea Urrutia Published on January 16 2023


Process and workflow

First I try to create patterns in my notebook trying to imagine how they would look put together. So I ended up with 3 base patterns.

Looking at the examples in the laboratory, I found this one that was very useful to me, mostly because of the circular connections since it was compatible with the circuit patterns.

Autocad and Rhino

Since I am faster designing with AutoCAD, I used this tool initially, and finally finished it with Rhino.

It is important to add a color to the lines as this helps us adjust some values such as

  1. Priority = which color to cut first, it is best to always cut from the inside out, that means the internal lines and patterns.

  2. Power and speed = sometimes we want to make engravings instead of cuts and with color it will help us organize.

Try to organize all the shapes very close so that when cutting it you don't waste fabric.

Lasser Cut.

In the area of laser cutting it is very important to know what material we are cutting in order to configure the speed and power of the laser.

Before setting up, check the capacity and power of the machine, such as speed limits and laser power. Tip: First do a test with a small piece of the material you are going to cut to be more precise with the adjustments.

Thanks to Julia Gase who made this table with the parameters depending on the type of material we will cut, for the next fabric they are as follows.


We calibrate the distance of the laser nozzle from the surface and test a small cut to see that the laser manages to penetrate the fabric.

Here are the configurations and cuts, also the cutting priority, priority is the order in which it will be cut.

We see that first it will cut the black, then the red, the blue and finally the green.

Here are the configurations and cuts, also the cutting priority, priority is the order in which it will be cut.

We see that first it will cut the black, then the red, the blue and finally the green.

That's how it ended.


test the join

I proceeded to test the joints to see if they could hold up.


Start with these back joins,they attach really well.


I liked the idea of adding electronic components since it is inspired by PCB circuits.

Fabrication files