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11. Implications and applications

Concept & Inspiration

Inspired by the stunning blue color and fascinating scales of the Sinai Agama lizard, I've delved into an exploration of their intricate folding and remarkable flexibility. These scales not only provide protection but also exhibit a dynamic adaptability, sparking ideas for innovative designs and applications in various fields. The lizard's unique features serve as a reminder of the natural world.



What? A revolutionary garment that not only blends within the environment and Landscape but also reacts with the surrounding environment, enhancing the human senses, transcending traditional design boundaries.


How? Through biomimicry, bring together the organic beauty of Wadi Rum with precision laser-cutting techniques and advanced wearable tech components.


Wadi Rum dazzles with its vibrant reds by day, while the night unveils a celestial spectacle, turning the desert into a canvas of stars and tranquility.


Individuals who appreciate the intersection of nature, technology, and fashion. It targets forward-thinking individuals, perhaps tech innovators. The wearer becomes a living canvas, merging with the environment, and experiencing an enhanced sensory connection with their surroundings.


The garment is designed to be worn in the captivating landscape of Wadi Rum, the "Valley of the Moon" desert.


Slide show


Wildlife in Wadi Rum

Visualising the 3D Surface

sinai Agama

Wearable tech
