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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

Program Introduction

The first week of Fabricademy started off strong, as we were introduced to several programs that we will be using throughout the two semesters, including GitLab, Nueval, and Mattermost.

describe what you see in this image

Mattermost: This platform serves as our primary communication tool with our local instructor and classmates, while also allowing us to connect with others in Fabricademy nodes around the world.

GitLab: This is the home for our websites, where we document our progress and journey week by week. It serves as our platform for building and maintaining our Fabricademy portfolios.

NuEval: This is where our evaluations take place. Each week, we can check the assignment checklist and track our progress, while our instructors provide feedback on our work.

Tools & Resources

  • Canva - Design platform for creating graphics and editing images
  • TinyPNG - Online tool for compressing images
  • Sublime Text - Text editor for coding
  • Unsplash - Website that offers a vast collection of photos
  • Markdown - The language used for formatting in GitLab

Coding Journey

Coding can seem intimidating, but with the help of my instructors and the internet, I was able to take some baby steps and learn the basics. This has allowed me to customise my page and start documenting my weeks. Here are some of the things I've learned so far:

Style & Formating

<p style="color:blue;">This text is blue.</p>
<p align="center">This text is centered.</p>
<strong>This text is bold.</strong>
<em>This text is italic.</em>

Insert Websites

[Name of Website](link of the website)

Insert Images

![describe what you see in this image](../images/home/nameoffile.jpg)
describe what you see in this image

Embed Videos

#To embed videos from YouTube, find the video you want to insert into your 
website, click 'Share,' and then copy the code provided in the 'Embed' section.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src=""
frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

From Fabricademy's channel on Youtube.

Commit and Push

After making changes to the website code, we always have to commit through source control and push to the main branch. It's important to do this regularly as we edit, because if a change doesn’t work as expected, we can easily review and pinpoint the issue, rather than struggling to find the problem after making multiple changes at once.

Alumni Resources

As this process of documenting and coding my website in GitLab was new to me, I looked for inspiration and support from Fabricademy's alumni. I want to give credit to the following pages:

Documentation Workflow

Each week will introduce a new topic to explore, so committing to a single structure might not suit all the weeks ahead. As a result, the structure for each week’s documentation may vary, but the underlying principles will remain the same: I will explain the topic from my perspective, share my research and inspiration for the week, and, when applicable, showcase the final product while detailing the process that led to its creation.