f a b r i c a t i o n¶
g l o v e . p r o t o t y p e¶
Trying to make my first glove, I started by following the instructions from the first video I found on YouTube about glove-making.
I traced my hand on paper to create a basic pattern, keeping it simple for a quick test. Since this was just a prototype, I decided to make a three-finger glove using a two-axis stretch, skin-colored Lycra. After finalizing the pattern, I carefully transferred it onto the fabric, ensuring the stretch direction would allow flexibility and comfort.
Once the fabric pieces were cut, I stitched them together, testing the fit and movement. The Lycra’s stretch worked well, but I noticed some areas where the seams needed adjustments for better finger mobility. The tutorial helped guide me through the process, but I quickly realized that small tweaks were necessary to get the right fit. This quick prototype gave me a good understanding of how the material behaves and how I could improve the pattern before attempting a full glove.
The next step was integrating a DIY flex sensor into the glove. My plan was to attach the sensor along the fingers to capture movement and translate it into data.
f l e x . s e n s o r¶
To create the DIY flex sensor, I used conductive thread, tape, and a piece of velostat, guided by this youtube video.
Velostat is a pressure-sensitive material that changes resistance when bent, making it perfect for detecting movement. I started by cutting a thin strip of velostat, ensuring it was long enough to fit along the finger section of my glove. Then, I placed two parallel lines of conductive thread on either side of the velostat, securing them with tape to keep everything in place.
The key was to ensure that the threads didn’t touch each other directly, as the velostat needed to act as a variable resistor between them. When the sensor was straight, the resistance remained high, but as it bent, the resistance decreased, creating a measurable change.
After assembling the sensor, I tested it in the Arduino IDE using an ESP32-C3 Super Mini. I connected the conductive thread ends to one of the analog input pins with pull-down resistor and ground, then ran a simple analog read code to measure resistance changes. The sensor responded when I bent it, but the results were not too satisfying—the range of data variation was quite small, making it difficult to get precise readings.
To enhance performance, I considered layering multiple sheets of velostat or using a different conductive material with better sensitivity.
In the next step, I replaced the conductive thread with conductive textile, hoping to get a more stable and responsive sensor. I cut two thin strips of conductive fabric and placed them on either side of the velostat, ensuring they remained parallel and didn’t touch. I then secured everything with tape, making sure the layers stayed firmly in place while still allowing flexibility. This setup provided a larger conductive surface, which I suspected would improve the sensor’s sensitivity.
After assembling the new version, I tested it again with the ESP32-C3 Super Mini in the Arduino IDE. The difference was immediately noticeable—the range of data variation was much wider, making it easier to detect bending movements. The conductive textile provided a more consistent connection compared to the thread, reducing fluctuations and improving overall accuracy.
After making the flex sensor, I sewed it onto the glove, attaching it to one finger. Initially, I tried sewing through the tape that held the sensor layers together, but the needle couldn’t pass through it properly. To work around this, I decided to sew the conductive fabric directly onto the glove using conductive thread, ensuring a strong electrical connection. Once that was in place, I used regular thread to sew the velostat and the second layer of conductive fabric, securing the entire sensor to the glove.
However, after reconnecting it to the board, I noticed a drop in functionality. The sensor’s response became weaker, and the range of data variation was even smaller than before.
I suspected that the stitching process had altered the sensor’s pressure distribution or caused unwanted resistance in the conductive fabric. The layers might not have been making proper contact, or the conductive thread could have introduced inconsistencies in the electrical pathway.
To fix this, I started looking for a fabric tape that could securely hold all the parts together without interfering with flexibility or conductivity. A softer, non-rigid adhesive could help maintain good contact between the layers while avoiding the issues caused by sewing. This experiment highlighted how delicate the balance is between structure and functionality in wearable electronics, pushing me to refine my approach for the next version of the glove.
w i r e l e s s . c o n n e c t i o n¶
To create a wireless connection between the Xiao ESP32-C3 and the ESP32-C3 Super Mini, I used ESP-NOW, a low-latency communication protocol that allows ESP32 devices to send data directly using their MAC addresses. This method was ideal because it didn’t require Wi-Fi or an external server, making the system more efficient and responsive. First, I retrieved the MAC addresses of both devices by running a simple script in the Arduino IDE. Once I had the addresses, I assigned the Xiao ESP32-C3 as the sender and the ESP32-C3 Super Mini as the receiver.
I programmed the sender (Xiao ESP32-C3) to read the flex sensor data (Magic Glove created for Wearables week) and transmit it wirelessly using ESP-NOW. The receiver (ESP32-C3 Super Mini) was set up to listen for incoming data, process it, and print it to the serial monitor. After pairing the devices using their MAC addresses, I tested the connection by bending the glove’s flex sensor and observing the data being received in real time. The communication was fast and stable, with minimal delay. You can find the programming code here.
Using ESP-NOW made the setup much more efficient, as it worked without needing an active Wi-Fi connection or router. This approach also helped reduce power consumption, which is crucial for wearable devices. With a reliable wireless link established, I could now focus on improving data handling and integrating the sensor values into an interactive system for future applications.
The next step is to implement the flex sensors on the glove. Two fingers worked great with two servo motors. I attached my 3D-printed modules to the servos for better demonstration.
To have more freedom
o r i g a m i¶
I chose origami as the mechanism of output to symbolize the movement of skin over time. Just like skin changes and folds with age, origami structures transform through precise folding techniques. The beauty of origami is that it perfectly demonstrates movement while maintaining structure, making it an ideal representation of organic transformation. Depending on the folding techniques used, origami can be integrated into various mechanical systems, allowing for controlled motion that visually mirrors the natural process I wanted to express.
However, working with paper presented a challenge. While it folded beautifully, it wasn’t durable enough for repeated movement. The servo motor’s motion quickly deformed and even tore the paper, making the structure unreliable over time. The delicate folds started to lose their precision, affecting the overall performance of the mechanism. This issue pushed me to rethink both the material and the folding technique to ensure longevity and stability.
To overcome this, I began exploring alternative folding mechanisms and materials. Fabrics with embedded stiffeners, flexible plastics, or composite materials could provide better durability while maintaining the flexibility needed for movement.
So, I started my first attempt at creating origami architecture, focusing on building a more durable folding structure. It wasn’t an easy path, as it required a lot of trial and error to find the right balance between flexibility, strength, and movement. The result was more than satisfying.
I followed the tutorial step by step:
l i g h t n i n g¶
b i o p l a s t i c . o r i g a m i¶
Inspired by the works of Ieva Marija Dautartaitė and Jessica Stanley I am fascinated by the potential of bioplastic origamis. The thought of using bioplastics in the same way traditional paper is folded into origami shapes is exciting, especially because bioplastics are more durable and flexible, offering more possibilities for creating dynamic, long-lasting structures. The idea of folding bioplastics into intricate forms, similar to paper, but with the added benefit of resilience and flexibility, has sparked many creative possibilities.
I’m still exploring how to fold the material effectively, experimenting with techniques like heat to make the bioplastic pliable enough for precise folds, yet firm enough to maintain its shape once set.
created by Ieva Marija Dautartaitė
What really intrigues me is the idea of combining bioplastic with paper to create an origami output that could move. The concept is to design origami shapes that open and close, or transform, powered by motors. By integrating biomaterials with paper, I can potentially create a structure that not only has the aesthetic beauty of origami but also responds to mechanical inputs, making it interactive. This could lead to an entirely new way of creating moving origami that embodies both the beauty of traditional folding and the functionality of modern materials and technology.
p a p e r . a n d . f a b r i c¶
My exploration started with researching textile folding techniques through online resources, particularly YouTube, to understand how heat and pressure influence material structure. This led me to experiment with Lycra, testing how it reacts to controlled folding before moving on to other materials, especially bioplastics.
I began by folding two layers of baking paper into a herringbone pattern, ensuring precise alignment of the creases to create a structured mold. Next, I placed a very thin Lycra sheet between the folded layers, making sure it was evenly positioned. Using an iron, I applied heat and pressure, allowing the fabric to take on the pattern from the paper structure.
Once cooled, I removed the baking paper to reveal the Lycra, now imprinted with a herringbone tessellation.
b i o p l a s t i c . f o l d i n g¶
Building on my initial experiments with Lycra, I applied the same folding technique to bioplastics, exploring how different recipes react to structured deformation. I tested two formulations: one based on gelatin and the other on alginate. Each material had distinct drying and shaping behaviors, requiring adjustments in the process.
For the gelatin-based bioplastic, I first prepared the mixture by dissolving gelatin in water with glicerine and pouring it into a hoop mold to set. After 12 to 15 hours, when it was firm but still flexible, I carefully removed it and placed it between two layers of pre-folded baking paper in a herringbone pattern. Unlike Lycra, which relied on heat-setting, gelatin bioplastic is highly sensitive to temperature, so instead of using an iron, I used a fan to gradually dry it.
The slow, controlled airflow helped the material retain its structured folds as it continued to harden. Once fully dried, the result was a bioplastic sheet with a clear, defined tessellation, demonstrating that folding techniques could successfully be applied to non-woven biodegradable materials. This confirmed that the method was effective, but I wanted to explore another formulation to compare flexibility and weight.
Next, I experimented with alginate-based bioplastic, testing two variations: one mixed and set cold, and another cooked before molding. The cooked version resulted in a more elastic and flexible material, making it a better candidate for folding. After preparing the sheet, I placed it between the pre-folded baking paper and used a dehydrator instead of a fan to accelerate the drying process.
The alginate bioplastic responded differently than the gelatin version. It was lighter, making it easier to take the shape of the folds, but it also relaxed more quickly once removed from the paper. Despite this, the experiment was successful, showing that the material could temporarily hold structured patterns and potentially be used in applications requiring flexible yet formable bioplastics.
Encouraged by these results, I repeated the process with another gelatin-based bioplastic to refine the method further. After testing different drying times and folding intensities, I moved on to experimenting with other techniques to expand the possibilities of structured bioplastics.
3d . p r i n t i n g¶
I explored 3D printing on Lycra using the sandwich method, where I first printed a thin base layer directly onto the printer bed. Then, I paused the print, carefully placed the Lycra over the partially printed layer, and resumed printing so that the filament adhered to the fabric. This technique allowed the printed pattern to bond securely with the Lycra while maintaining its flexibility. The result was highly successful, with the tessellated structure integrating well into the fabric, demonstrating a precise and effective way to combine 3D printing with stretchable textiles.
p l a s t i c . s h e e t . e x p e r i m e n t s¶
To explore another approach to structured folding, I used a vinyl cutter to score crease lines onto a plastic sheet, aiming to create precise folding guides. The idea was to weaken the material along specific paths, allowing it to fold cleanly into the desired pattern. I set up the cutter with a low-pressure setting to avoid cutting through the sheet entirely and tested different line densities to find the right balance between flexibility and durability.
However, the results were not as expected due to the choice of plastic. The material was too rigid to fold smoothly along the scored lines, causing uneven bends and cracks instead of clean creases.
o r i g a m i s i m u l a t o r¶
m e c h a n i s m¶
To create the carcass of the mechanism that would serve as the foundation for folding a round-shaped origami, I turned to FreeCAD for its precision and flexibility. The design process began with a central motor housing to accommodate a servo or DC motor in the middle. I chose to use FreeCAD's parametric design features to easily adjust dimensions as the design evolved. From the center, I created radial arms that would connect to the various parts of the origami structure, ensuring each arm had the correct spacing to allow for movement and folding. The model took on a sun-like shape, with the motor in the center acting as the driving force and the axes extending outward to manipulate the folding structure.