5. E-textiles¶
Electronic textiles, or soft electronics, combine electronic components with fabrics, integrating circuits into flexible and malleable materials like textiles. These fabrics allow garments or textile surfaces to perform functions such as measuring temperature, monitoring heart rate, or lighting up. They are used in areas like fashion, medicine, sports, and art, connecting technology with traditional textiles. This field includes devices like sensors and actuators, embedded in a way that maintains the flexibility of the fabric while adding smart functionalities.
References & Inspiration¶
Amor Muñoz¶
Amor Muñoz blends traditional crafts like embroidery and knitting with technology and activism, creating works that explore labor, economy, and the role of women. Her projects, such as "Laboratorio de Conciencia Electrónica," use textile art to engage with social issues, particularly how manual labor intersects with technology. Muñoz's craftivism emphasizes collaboration, and she often involves communities in the production process, drawing attention to overlooked forms of labor and inequality. Her art pushes boundaries by merging ancient techniques with modern societal critiques.
Claudia Gonzalez¶
Claudia González Godoy is a Chilean artist and researcher who works at the intersection of art, design, and technology. Her project "Concertina: Máquinas de Papel" is an experimental electronic musical instrument built from paper, using conductive materials like tapes, inks, threads, and fabrics. This project merges the format of an artist’s book with DIY sound electronics and paper engineering mechanisms. Developed during a residency at the Festival de la Imagen in Manizales, it showcases her innovative approach to combining traditional materials with electronic elements.
Download reference
- Claudia GOnzalez
- [Arduino UNO](http://class.textile-academy.org)
- [Arduino IDE](http://class.textile-academy.org)
- [Fritzing](https://fritzing.org/)
- [Instructables](https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Work-With-Conductive-Fabric/)
Process and workflow¶
The Seeed Studio Seeeduino XIAO RP2040 is a compact, low-cost development board powered by the Raspberry Pi RP2040 chip. It features dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processors, 264KB of SRAM, and 2MB of onboard Flash memory. With a small form factor (21mm x 17.5mm), it supports USB-C for power and data, and offers a variety of I/O options, including digital and analog pins. This board is suitable for wearable tech, DIY electronics projects, and IoT applications due to its size, flexibility, and powerful performance.
Tested the Seed Studio XIAO RP2040¶
I tested the Seeed Studio Seeeduino XIAO RP2040 to program the internal Neopixel and then control multiple pixels by color. I drew the schematic in Fritzing but used the Arduino IDE as the programming platform. I programmed the Neopixel in yellow and purple, and using this RGB color scale worked well for my project. The XIAO RP2040 allowed me to efficiently manipulate the Neopixels' colors, combining its compact size with flexible and adaptable programming.
Code Example¶
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
int Power = 11;
int PIN = 12;
#define NUMPIXELS 1
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setup() {
digitalWrite(Power, HIGH);
void loop() {
pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(255, 255, 0)); // yelow
pixels.setPixelColor(0, pixels.Color(255, 0, 255));// purple
The second part of the project involved testing different types of fabric buttons. For this, I built a parallel circuit using five LEDs and experimented with various materials to create buttons that would close the circuit. Each button, made of conductive and non-conductive textiles, acted as a switch to light the LEDs when pressed, allowing me to explore how different fabrics perform in electronic applications.
Getting Started with Push Buttons¶
Getting Started with Analog electrical button¶
Getting Started with Analog Button Using Copper Conductive Tape¶
Tested the Parallel circuit with a digital button and pressure sensor¶
Piano textile-based interface¶
I created an Arduino Uno piano project with a simple setup using an Arduino Uno, a buzzer, and tactile push buttons. This design lets me play seven different tunes by pressing the buttons connected to specific pins on the Arduino. The circuit is beginner-friendly, making it a fun way to learn about electronics and programming. I included a schematic diagram and detailed connections to ensure easy assembly for anyone who wants to try it out.
Components used¶
Buzzer 5V
Connecting Wire Jumper Wires
Tactile Switches
Resistor 220 kOhms
Arduino Uno
Circuit Diagram¶
push button of terminal 2b - Pin 4 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 5 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 6 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 7 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 8 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 9 of Arduino push button of terminal 2b - Pin 10 of Arduino Buzzer - Arduino pin 3
I replaced the Arduino Uno with the Seeed Studio Seeeduino XIAO RP2040 and transferred the schematic to a fabric medium. This modification allowed me to maintain the functionality of the piano while creating a flexible, textile-based interface. It added an innovative twist to the project, making it even more engaging and suitable for wearable technology applications.
Components used¶
Copper conductive tape
Buzzer 5V
Analog Button Using Copper Conductive Tape
Resistor 220 kOhms
I drew the schematic of the piano on a fabric medium and began marking the circuit with conductive copper tape. I indicated the positive and negative connections and highlighted the overlapping areas, ensuring that these connections were placed underneath the fabric to avoid short circuits. This careful layout helped maintain the integrity of the circuit while creating a flexible and functional textile piano.
Code Example¶
int but1 = D4;
int but2 = D5;
int but3 = D7;
int but4 = D8;
int but5 = D9;
int buzzer = D6;
void setup() {
//let's declare the button pins as input
pinMode(but1, INPUT);
pinMode(but2, INPUT);
pinMode(but3, INPUT);
pinMode(but4, INPUT);
pinMode(but5, INPUT);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// read the value from buttons
int b1 = digitalRead(but1);
int b2 = digitalRead(but2);
int b3 = digitalRead(but3);
int b4 = digitalRead(but4);
int b5 = digitalRead(but5);
if (b1 == 1) {
tone(buzzer, 200, 100);
if (b2 == 1) {
tone(buzzer, 400, 100);
if (b3 == 1) {
tone(buzzer, 500, 100);
if (b4 == 1) {
tone(buzzer, 600, 100);
if (b5 == 1) {
tone(buzzer, 700, 100);
Final results¶
This project has been an exciting exploration of how textiles and electronics can work together to create something truly interactive and engaging!