“In trying to foresee the future it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the wonders of technology, but could the most avant-garde innovations be organic? Embrace nature instead of trying to dominate it.”

Bacteria Dyeing#

The bacteria we use is type B and its name is: Serratia / Coloration: Magenta - Pink We work within Laboratiorio, for this it is necessary to follow the steps methodically and have certain cares:

Natural Dyeing#

Every year with the process of dyeing with water the fabrics are poured the equivalent to 50% of the volume of the Mediterranean Sea in our rivers and streams. To this we add 200 thousand tons of toxic chemicals that escape the treatment of wastewater and end up in the same water courses. All this tremendous environmental impact only to dye fabrics.

We experiment with various textiles, the process of dyeing with fruits and vegetables; obtaining a wide sample of natural dyes.

Kombucha Leather#

The kombucha (known as Manchurian mushroom, tea fungus or Chinese mushroom). These fungi and bacteria convert sugar (sucrose) into glucose and fructose and then into ethyl alcohol (potable), carbon dioxide (CO2) and acetic acid, all living in a symbiosis of mutual benefit, forming a body of liquid on the surface of the liquid. gelatinous appearance similar to a jellyfish. If the fungus receives food continuously, this process has no end, that is why the kombucha is called “the fungus of immortality.” Formula for the growth of Kombucha:

- 1lt. of water
- 100 gr. of sugar
- 100 ml. of vinegar
- 2 units of green tea

As a group, in the laboratory we began the growth of Kombucha, in different containers, to then analyze the potential and use this material. Fortunately, the Kombucha grew rapidly (during the period of approximately one month it was fed with fruit sugars) and we decided to remove it from its fertilization medium, wash it, dry it on a 45 ° surface preferably of wood to absorb moisture and use it as Organic leather in some of our personal projects.


In particular, this material and first group experimentation aroused much interest in me; We are surrounded by plastic products, which we will never see degrade. Fruit based bio-plastics amazed me, seeing images of what could be achieved as a final “organic leather”, I decided to go this way. Another motivation was to take advantage of the “waste” of the fruit skin:

Of all the fruits we produce for consumption, 45% is discarded. 30% of the agricultural land on Earth is used to produce food that will eventually be thrown away. This is often due to the fact that the consumer has bought a lot or because retailers refuse food because of their appearance. 10% of all greenhouse gases in rich countries are emitted by producing food that will never be eaten. In addition to the problem of food waste, the production of animal hide is also an environmental problem. The impact is greatest among the poorest and least developed regions of the world. Each year, more than one billion animals are slaughtered so that the skins can be used. The cleaning process suffered by the skins produces around 650 million kilos of CO2 around the world.

Process and Recipes#

Classification and comparison table#

Observations and conclusions:#

After waiting a few days to reach the drying of the Bio-materials, I have come to the personal conclusion that the most appropriate recipe is Gelatin; since it had a faster drying and translucent finish that allows to see the fruit fibers. The corn-based recipe did not work for me, during the days of waiting for its drying, mushrooms appeared (mohoo) and I had to discard them. The recipe of Agar Agar still remains with some humidity (5 days later) but in favor, the material has more flexibility. - The points to check to get to the material that I intend to result in “fruit leather” textile use is to add more glycerin to achieve greater flexibility and use a suitable surface for drying: rack (I read that those used for screen printing give very good result , since they allow air flow on both surfaces but the screen of the mesh is sufficiently closed and non-stick so that the freshly cooked bio material does not leak). - To avoid the formation of mohoo in the material, it should have boiled the mixture together with the fruit skin to reduce the amount of water and cook it completely. This step I could not carry out in this first stage of experimentation since in the laboratory we had elements of group use and the neutral mixture of binder was distributed among several students, so that each one would mix it with their chosen ingredients (in my case the fruit skins). Also, I still want to continue experimenting and refining my recipe, to reach the expected result and thus include this type of material in my final project, this is only the Bio-start!