27th Nov, 2018

In this week we look at innovation at the intersection between textiles and wearables with other sectors. Societal trends like a renewed interest in crafts, the need for a sustainable mass production system and the emergence of personalization are reshaping the way the fashion system works. This week illustrates the challenges and the space of opportunities emerging where (wearable) tech meets (fashion) design.

Proposed Project is E- Vow which is a "Palla" (6 ft long piece of cloth) which will have embedded heart beat sensor for connecting Bride's heartbeat with Groom's and vice versa to give a private moment of union with haptic grip on the ends as well as color changing neopixels for pleasing visual on every verse for the audience

"Personalisation is a important factor these days when one product needs to make a change culturally or psychologically

Nishtha Kaushik