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Final Project Planning and pitch

Preliminary ideas

Idea1_Amplifying Movement Investigate and study typologies and forms of garments and costumes that amplify the movements of the person wearing them (such as pleats, flounces, amplitude). Then incorporate a circuit that contains a sensor (of movement, speed, light) that collects information, which can be transformed into some kind of output, either in the costume itself, for example through light (with leds or fiber optic), or communicating with other elements that are usually part of the scenes, for example lighting, or visual projection.

For that, I intend to work with people whose body is their main means of expression, for example dancers or acrobats


As I was not able to present my project during the last week of December, I presented on January 19 at the project pitch review by Troy Nachtigall.

Troy's feedback and comments:

  • Find a very simple interaction to investigate to do as much experimentation as I can.
  • Keep it low tech. Maybe I don't need to use microcontrollers.
  • He also recommended a number of projects, artists, designers and labs that have done or are doing similar projects (see Inspiration.

After the review, we went over the Gantt chart project plan with Anastasia and Cecilia, and they gave me more feedback and suggestions. For example, Anastasia suggested that I could invastigate with fringes and a mini vibration motor. Cecilia recommended several pages to research on pleating.


Last update: July 25, 2021