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8. Branding & communication

The sentence:


Playing with the word as the Logo "m", and the "emotllar" (meaning casting in the Catalan language), mold and ready to wear, cause once the sample is removed from the mold it's prepared to be sold.


Casting ideas to be more efficient, local & sustainable.

To communicate the final project I will record a Fashion film to immerse into the identity of the brand and be able to expose the biomaterial handbags in the same line as the commercial accessories. As a new-generation brand accessory, I need to communicate in a familiar and close way with the customer to easily introduce these new products.

Fashion film

Inspiration for the fashion film: light, views, colors, textures...



The idea for the video that I have was to make a kind of short film or a chapter of a little story to start developing the brand's image and easily communicate the products to the target. Instead of showing the process of cooking the bags, cause it's going to be less creative.

So here you have the following guide for the story:

In Catalan:


Arni asseguda al capó, mirant a càmara (ZOOM OUT).


  • Pollution in the fashion industry? (Ironic question)
  • 92 million tonnes of textile waste is produced every year.
  • Over 41% of the world's textile exports are from China alone.
  • Nearly 10% of Microplastics dispersed in the ocean each year come from textiles.
  • Just 12% of the material used for clothing ends up being recycled.
  • WHAT ARE WE DOING?! (Veu real. Pregunta a l’espectador)

Bolso 2 enterrat, només es veu la “M” de la marca. Gallines passant en primer terme. Pla cara gallina. Pla tancat Arni cansada. Es tapa el sol amb la mà, no sap on anar. ZOOM IN ràpid “What are we doing?” mira a càmera contundent .


Match cut amb el pla anterior. ZOOM OUT ella fent àngel amb les panotxes. Ella estàtica amb el ram de panochas davant de la masia(Gossos). Porta d’entrada de la casa.

Arni està a la cuina. Bull panotxes (es tornen taronja) Tritura panotxes amb el morter. Remena puré bullint. Arni no te gana, està amb la taula parada remena el plat de puré. Pla detall: escriu la “M” al puré


Col·locar formant el logo "M", bolsos sortint de la terra (3 bolsos en forma de U). Arni agafa un dels bolsos. Muntanyes de Montserrat ZOOM OUT Arni amb el bolso. Ella mirant a càmera i ensenyant el bolso, girarlo.

Desenterra el bolso 2 // Patata. Vaca (Arni + vaques o per separat)

Bolso bandolera 3 penjat a l'estenedor amb altres peces de roba Arni recull el bolso i se’l posa.

BLOC 4 (vespre)

Arni corrent pel prat.



Rural area: We film it in my familiy farmhouse and surrounding.

Farm localizations.

For the fashion film, I plan to work in a team to be able to get closer to the idea that I had in mind so, I contact some friends:

  • Cinematogropher: Gemma de Miguel Morell
  • Photographer: Christian Galán
  • Model: Arni
  • Make-up: Angie Lunares



Makeup and hair

Some vibe ideas.


Moodboard for the looks.

TIME TO RECORD (We speed one day and a half to record.)

Final Fashion film


That's the result:

"m" handbag collection by Emma Picanyol - Fabricademy 2022-23 from Emma Picanyol on Vimeo.

🎬 CUT! 📹

Deeply engaged?

Hope so 😊

Last update: 2023-05-07