Final Project#
My final project is a tapestry change its color according to people interaction. I am using a combination of conductive and resistive threads to be the base of my project. Connecting those threads with yarn that is dyed using thermochromic ink. When a current passes through a certain point in the created mesh, heat will be generated and will cause the yarn to change color. Soft Sensors that I have created will be the trigger that changes the color of the yarn. When a person touches the soft sensor, a current passes through one or more threads based a certain program that causes the yarn to change color only at the point of contact.
I decided to creat something new that is more interactive with people.....
Slince tapestry - Alzahraa from Al-zahra'a alomari on Vimeo.
I have created my own soft sensor using conductive fabric, connected to the tapestry, when a person touches any of the keys it send a signal to the mosfet letting current pass through. It creates different patterns depending on what key was touched. I created a laser cut loom that has the wooven dyed yarn on it and the wires are all coming out from the back of loom connecting to the microcontroller that controls everything.story telling and Test
Chromosonic Crackle from ejtech on Vimeo.
first step I researched a good loom mechanism that would help me with my final project.
Second search for kniting pattern and the relationship between vertical and horizontal threads.
Working process
threads type
I start with different material in yarn. yarn with acrylic, 100% acrylic and 100% cotton.
- First Dyed yarn in thermochromic, the actrylic yarn when dyed is not as pigmented as I want it to be, when the thread dried the colores get lighter. I think so because I used thermochromic pigments with water.
- Dyed Yarn in thermochromic pigments.
- Dyed cotton threads in thrermochromic pigments. Dying cotton is more better, the colors get more darker than in the yarn.
concentrate color after dying
thread material | thichness | concentrate colors after dyeing |
100% yarn | thin thread | ligt |
100% yarn | thick thread | ligt |
acrylic with yarn | meduim | thick |
cotton | meduim | more thicker |
- Making small loom with different thread density to test the fastness color change , threads relationship and density effects thermochromic color changing in period of time. I choose the pattern based on the speed of the color change

- examples for pattern density

pattern no. | pattern density | thermochromic sensivity according to density |
1 | low density | hight and changing faster |
2 | medium density | take more time to change |
3 | high density | very slow |
- Materials
Qty | Description | Price | link | Notes |
1 | yarn | 1 | - | - |
6 | stanless steel thread | 16$ | - | - |
500 ml | thermochromic ink | 97$ | - | - |
28 | N-chanel mosfets | - | - | - |