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About me

My name is Laura Caroline but if I have to choose I prefer Caroline. I'm a second generation girl: Italian but my parents are Peruvian. I am a Fashion and Costume Designer who has always been passionate about art in general and I am a person with a strong sensitivity that has seen in Fabricademy a method necessary to realize the projects I had and have in my head.

My background

I was born and raised in a small town in Northern Italy called Novara. I grew up with a great passion for art but especially cinema and I've always had this instinct for clothing. I don't come from a wealthy family so having little, combining second hand clothes have stimulated my creativity a lot; it pushed me to think of something alternative with what I had.I started at the age of 16 to see myself as a costume designer. Then I studied in Rome at all'Accademia di Costume & Moda; my course of study made me passionate about fashion and the strong messages it can send out. During my time in Rome I met some fantastic people with whom I could compare myself, share my thoughts. This led me to think a lot about the environment (my family taught me not to waste and lead a life with the least impact). But I was able to take the next step thanks to the comparison that people and also thanks to the information we have today thanks to the internet. This led me to make my choice of Vegan life and to reflect on how I could help create another type of fashion that takes care of the environment. This led me to where I am today and joining Fabricademy.

Below are some of the paintings I made in different techniques during my time as a Costume Designer

some paintings I made when I was studying Costume Design

During the period of Loockdown in Italy I developed my thesis and it was a great time to reflect on my values, my skills and how I could contribute in my own small way to take care of the planet. I discovered the world of bioplastics, natural dyes and so informing myself on the web I began to experiment at home with different materials. it was a year full of important changes. Both food and lifestyle. I wondered: "If we can recreate meat and cheese from products of vegetable origin, why not take advantage of the technologies we have today to exploit them in the textile field, perhaps with the use of food waste". I started this journey full of hope and curiosity, ready to acquire as many skills as possible in order to create new textiles with new Vegan performances.

Last update: 2022-02-02