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11. Implications and applications

”Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else”. Les Brown

In my point of view, humanity faces two big problems: pollution and the energy resource crisis.

The week 11 I started with watching the tutorial Oscar Tomico Fabricademy Weekly Lectures 2022 - Applications & Implications

In the following days I continued with my participation in the workshop miro board

It was a pleasant experience to exhibit my ideas interactively through the platform [miro board]. It's my first practice of this kind of activity.

Next I present the documentation of my project idea in an usual format for me.

Possible project idea

Slide show - what I did this week?

Blue Pink Abstract Playful Study Tips Graph by Aliona Raru

Research & Concept

To begin with, I will refer to some data on how the textile industry affects environmental pollution.

As a result of this initial theoretical research, I have the following data:

... and a few pictures for inspiration:

Planing & Personalization

This is the first time I've created an ULTRAPERSONALIZED product service system (UPPSS). I hope I got the idea. UPPSS for my final project idea is presented below (what I managed to sketch at the moment).

From participants to active partners

I like organizing the design process according to the principle of Co-design. Co-design is about designing with, not for. Co-design seeks to change that through prioritising relationships, using creative tools and building capability.

The following picture shows the actors involved in the design process of the project idea (actors who see them implemented at the moment). During the development of the project idea could appear in the map and other actors.

Explorations, trials, interviews

At this stage I tried to get a new draft using scraps of jeans.

I will still practice to obtain other models of materials using scraps of jeans.

Thus the wearer will have a jacket that will light up at night, if somehow we remain without light on the streets.

The name I would give my future project would be: ”sustainably E-JACKET from old jeans”.

Next, I made in Clo 3D a prototype of the possible project idea. I present the result in the pictures that follow.

In order to analyze the results obtained at this stage, I interviewed a group of people, potential porters. The questions and results of the investigation are presented below.

The results showed that each of the interviewees has clothes that they no longer wear, in particular at least a pair of jeans that is somewhere stored or discarded, thus becoming textile waste.

How this project idea was developed, but also the feedback received after the presentations in the following weeks can be seen on the pages Project ”a HOPE of the FUTURE” and Process



2. Why clothes are so hard to recycle


4. How much water it takes to make a pair of blue jeans?

Last update: 2023-04-20