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7. Computational Couture

Research & Ideation


DefeXtiles: 2020 Talk (short) from Tangible Media Group on Vimeo.

DefeXtiles: 3D printing quasi-woven textiles via underextrusion

Honeycomb paper balls

References & Inspiration

Susie Taylor


Rottlace mask - Neri Oxman with mediated matter lab

Ganit Goldstein - kimono

Illusory Material

Iris Van Herpen

3D printed buttons :

A lot of inspirations and things I love... Unfortunately, I regret I have not be able to concretize this work with the 3D printing machine.


Process and workflow

Rhino and Grasshopper ... Love and hate.


This is Rodrigo's work :

class 1 class 2 class 3

final code

New tutorial with Diane, to explore slowlier. I succeed in more volumes, but not much more than 3D modeling (grasshopper coding is really complicated).



According to my references and inspirations, I wanted to do origami on grasshopper3d, but grasshopper3d is definitely not easy to use, I ended up with experiences that were very pleasant to watch, but far from my expectations. In the end, I succeeded in simulating a single origami fold, but impossible to go further (enlarge to a surface, so the same fold several times).

I downloaded the plugin "crane" to make origamis on the famous website food4rhino.

The dervish tourneurs and creepy butterflies

Why does the coding create infinite movements that "crawl" on their own?

Good try

Crazy butterflies and finally, the origami is folding.

Lamp tuto

Almost there...

3D Drawing

The 3D pecil is like a glue gun, there are stick cartridges of different colors. The pen melts the material and brings it out evenly, the whole difficulty lies in managing where the material lands and how it is kept in place until the next stop. So that's why the angles have like little knots, it allows you to pretend to stop the thread without cutting it (it would be easier to cut it but alas the material is not conducive to that).
It was fun, but rather difficult to master.
I think we can succeed in doing beautiful things rather in 2D than in 3D quickly. For 3D, you need a lot of practice.

manque ref du stylo en question

Based on these old drawings of my own.


The program of the week destabilized me a lot in its progress. Not being a queen of the organization, I was embarked on a wavering which was not helping me.
The course on grasshopper3d was a huge slap in the face and had a counterproductive effect: showing its possibilities in a very fast and very condensed way instead of inspiring me, put me in a downward spiral. Feeling unable to follow, understand and assimilate things that were being thrown at me without explaining them to me. Hard not to let go along the way, not to feel useless and stupid.
The other weeks seemed to me a little less of this type, although some tutorials were. Today, it is undoubtedly the accumulation that makes it let go faster.
Knowing that whatever it is, we continue to move forward and a new week continues, does not leave room for failure, demotivation, questioning.

I thought I was useless and couldn't keep up, but it was on purpose. Anastasia said it was okay, to get to the heart of the matter so quickly, to show us all the possibilities grasshopper had to offer, and now we would take it slower to learn.

We wanted to create computers to go faster, now we try to think like the computer.

I was able to console myself by watching Marion do this sample with Diane and appreciated photoshoot it. This was actually only the test to make the machine work.


Fabrication files

I don't think it is necessary for me to share my documents since they are only the repetition of the exercises of the failed courses.

Last update: 2023-05-09