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2. Digital bodies

Research & Ideation

For this assignment, I've been working with tutorials to learn more about the software needed to create a 3D human figure. I love this theme because this is the first time I’m playing with these tools.

The idea that we can create a personalized figure inspires me because, in our society, there are many body types instead of only a standardized one.

The research and practice work at the same time keeps "thinking" and “the practice of doing” more connected, allowing more cohesive learning. So, my work was developed in different ways to make the most of each tool in the minimum amount of time.

References & Inspiration

Oslo Vigeland Park * (Oslo Vigerland Park img)

The creation of fashion garments usually promoted in catwalk loses its meaning when they are presented over a stiff, standardized and with expressionless person. Garments with different specifications for unusual bodies nullifies the real message to the real consumer. Having in mind the concept of “somatypes”, a study of William Sheldon and Heath-Carter that classified people in three basic physical types (Ectomorphic, Mesomorphic and Endomorphic people) and thinking of the Oslo Vigerland Park (a place where there are more than hundred sculptures of human figures of different ages, clinging and floating together), I started working on taking measurements and changing a standardized body.

Somatypes * Somatypes (Sheldon, Stevens and Tucker, 1940) and (Heath-Carter, 1990)

From Youtube

Process and workflow

My work resulted in three experiences (3D printer model; 3D Laser Cutter model; 3D Scanner model) and a realized 2 physical models, made of PLA and cardboard. In summary:

I generated a 3D mesh of a personalized body, changing measurements in MakeHuman. Then I exported as “obj” to RhinocerusI, to cut legs and arms. I take it to FabLab and printed in Ultimaker 3D printer.

Then I export the same human figure file to Fusion 360 and plan it for Slicer, to cut cardboard slices.

Listenning 3D scanning explanation from local intructor we scanned my body to learn different ways of doing it.


I opened an archive image and changed the breast and hip's measurements to seem like a female body. As I would like to have a body with open arms, I also changed the pose.



Then I open the file as an “object” in Rhinoceros, to work on it, cutting legs and arms, through the “MeshTrim” command.



I ask for help to a local instructor to open and print a new “obj” in a 3D Printer. After we opened the file we realized that the figure needed to be corrected, closing dots in the mesh feature. After making that and preparing to print, the software allow to know the Print time and material costs.


_Fabrication files_ are a necessary element for evaluation. You can add the _fabrication files_ at the bottom of the page and simply link them as a footnote. This was your work stays organised and files will be all together at the bottom of the page. Footnotes are created using [ ^ 1 ] (without spaces, and referenced as you see at the last chapter of this page) You can reference the fabrication files to multiple places on your page as you see for footnote nr. 2 also present in the Gallery.


Importing the object in its real size into “Slicer Fusion 360” (73cm height and 30cm width), I found that the number of parts and leaves would be large.

After some experiments, manipulating the settings of the material to be cut (3mm cardboard) and changing the "interlocked slices" settings, I decided to work in 1/50 scale so that I could print on just one sheet. ComposicaoSL

After generating the object's cutting plans, the file was exported in PDF or DXL, so it could be opened on the computer that connects to the laser machine.

As I had previously spoken with the local instructor, I took his considerations into account when carrying out the work. I opened the object in the “LightBurn” program, changed the cutting material settings in the “Library”, checked the “origin point” in the drawing, rescheduled the material cutting settings (70.0 m/sec Speed and 35.00 Max Power), and sent it to print.

After turning on the laser machine, I placed the cardboard with tape on the edges, checked the height of the laser tip, the “cutting frame,” and had it cut. ComposicaoSLaser


The 3D scanning experience was more restricted. Briefly, the local instructor explained the different scanning methods (with a still camera and a moving camera).

I chose to use the “EXScan H” machine in order to capture the entire human body, with myself as the model. I realized that the “Shinning 3D software” builds countless frames to create a “cloud of points” and that it will later triangulate these points in order to build the object. Composição3DScan

3D Models


Last update: 2023-10-13