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12. Skin Electronics



Hydraulic cartography - frecuency analysis of moisture soil - body chakras

This week we continue working on electronics ! a very fascinating opening into this field of textile and electronics, I'm very passionate about the possibilities for weaving these techologies. In relation to my creative methodologies for colective and performantive processes. Specifically, I'd like to focus my experimentation on weaving this processes with more-than-human entities such as soil and water, breaking the boundaries between organic and inorganic life.

get inspired!

Check out and research alumni pages to betetr understand how to document and get inspired

References & Inspiration

Geumhyung Jeong:Under Construction Drawing on her background in choreography and a studied interest in the role of objects and technology in our lives, Jeong uses her body and animatronic figures built from DIY mechanical parts and medical dummies to parse the uncanny relationships between people and machines. With this new commission she incorporates complete human skeleton models as a central component of the work. ICA LONDON

PINK STROKE GAUNTLET by Kobakant Using metal pins as conductive fur to construct a pokey stroke sensor.

Heat-Map Visualization (rSkin) by Pulsea



Process and workflow

This time i faced the assigment a bit more step-by-step, and decided i first needed to figure out properly how the speaker works, and what tipes of piezzo , buzzers and speaker i have at hand, also played a bit with melodies. To later, work with a different soil moisture sensor cause the last one i didn't really understand how to calibrate it, but this one was easier to work with, to finally put both things together. I feel very proud i managed to make the technical part to meet my concept and work after quite a challenging weeks with electronics !


I started by looking up some melodies that i could copy paste into my code, and then i looked up how the different music notes need to be on the code: HOW TO PLAY THE MUSICAL NOTES ON THE ARDUINO HERE i found a lot of melodies And i'd like to got deeper into this topic, with Arduino Music: Notes and Chord Detector

Capacity moisture sensor

This time i've been working with a different sensor :


capacity moisture sensor

voidsetup(){ Serial.begin(9600);/openserialport,setthebaudrateas9600bps }
delay(100); }

With this tutorial i manage to calibrate and work with the sensor



capacity moisture sensor + speaker

Code Example

For the code, i actually starting re-writing myself the code i did in week #09 Wearables, in which at each % of humidity , there was an output light. But instead I added the code for musical notes and i had the speaker as analog output, i was exhalted when it worked ! then i asked chatgpt to help me just with an adjustment, but, this was an amazing archivement !

#include <Arduino.h>

int speaker = 11;  // Pin connected to the speaker
#define NOTE_G 784
#define NOTE_B 494
#define NOTE_D 587
#define NOTE_F 698

const int dry = 660;  // Value for dry sensor
const int wet = 300;  // Value for wet sensor
int sensorPin = A0;   // Pin connected to the soil moisture sensor

void playTone(int frequency, int duration = 500) {
  tone(speaker, frequency, duration);  // Play the tone for a specific duration
  delay(duration);                     // Wait for the duration
  noTone(speaker);                     // Stop the tone

void moistureDetection(int sensorValue) {
  int percentageHumidity = map(sensorValue, wet, dry, 100, 0);  // Map sensor value to percentage
  Serial.print("Humidity: ");

  if (percentageHumidity <= 10) {  // Below 10%
  } else if (percentageHumidity <= 30) {  // Between 10% and 30%
  } else if (percentageHumidity <= 60) {  // Between 30% and 60%
  } else if (percentageHumidity > 70) {  // Greater than 70%

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);            // Start serial communication
  pinMode(speaker, OUTPUT);      // Set speaker pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(sensorPin, INPUT);     // Set sensor pin as INPUT

  // Program start indicator
  playTone(NOTE_G, 1200);
  playTone(NOTE_B, 1200);
  playTone(NOTE_D, 1200);
  playTone(NOTE_F, 1200);

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);  // Read the sensor value
  moistureDetection(sensorValue);          // Detect and respond to moisture levels
  delay(1000);                             // Wait for 1 second before the next reading



I wanted to continue with the pillow concept that i started on week #5 E-textiles, to make it closer to the body i added a bracalet so when you touch the pillow with it, this one reproduces the note that the moisture sensor is reading from the soil.







Fabrication files

  1. File: xxx 

  2. File: xxx