5. E-textiles¶
This week's assignment was to create a soft sensor in an open format using various techniques. We were to document our findings and readings using Audrino. It also integrates two soft sensors into one or two swatches using hard soft connections.
Electricy moves clock wise from + postive to - negative and using a risior inbetween to play with the curent and the intesity of the current it self and be able to do mutiple paths.
Resistors used to regulate the flow of electicity a to be set withe at the being or end of a path of mutiple chanels and can also be used in between as a dasi chain form if neceisar for mutiple conections
Metrics that need to be measured¶
Resistance (Ω) measure of the opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit. Ohms (Ω)
Circuit - path for electricity to flow. Electricity travels from power + to - in a clock wise motion.
Voltage (V) - electrical pressure or force between two points.
Current - Measured in Amperes (A) "Amps" or milliAmpere (mA)
Conductivity (sound setting) -|>|
Red wires are univeraly used for positive current and Black for negative.
* image refrance from Rhopoint components
The top left corner picture plays with a simple light connection from and one resistor; the second image next to it adds a layer to the series of connections and adds more resistors in a daisy chain stitch. I also worked with the board, seeing how to connect and work with it in Audrino, and taking into account how to measure all the electrical Voltages and amps.
References & Inspiration¶
Came across of some past student examples one that stood out was work by Stephanie Johnson, Oliva Cueva from preious years as well as some refences that I had found from spark fun that they had from other peoples examples.
The skull was from Oliva Cueva and they other eye was from past studen Stephanie Johnsons.
Hand Tools¶
- Scissors
- Sewing needles
- Conductive Thread
- Conductive fabric tape
- Snaps
Electronic Tools¶
- LED lights
- Flora
- Arduino
- Aligator Clips
- Velostast - is concutive soft material
- 9 volt battery to test or any other battery will do
Along with fabric can also use diffrnt sources of material like conctive wool, tabe, fabric ect depeing on the obejective of the project.
For my project this was the materials I diced to go with.
- Velostat
- Copper conductive fabric
- Conductive Tape
- Bekinox a type of coductive thread
- Clips/Clasps
Process and workflow¶
One consecutive negative side and the other positive, with conductive thread and tape to use for each of the channels, a layer of belinostat in the middle of the two, along with a cloth barrier in between, to not create a short circuit when the connections are close together.
For the analog just played with some flexible material to be able to be reactive to the movement of the fabric itself and turn on depending on the pressure on it. As well to get a better understanding of the basics of the electronic path and connections.
Digital Sensor¶
* using flora ciruit bord to program
My design still had some anolog aspeacts of the in it with a clasp to be able to turn on when the clap is shut and the presure when pushed on the negetive end of the eye can recored and bim or lower the brightness of the light its self and catpure the change digitaly.
As well as addin in the code into arduino
Code Example¶
Ensure that you have added the AdaFruit AVR board from the addition plugin online and select it to connect to the Flora board to set up and input the needed properties.
For the code was just a simple Input of the sestive value that was for lowering or birng the light up and key part is if you want a continues comand to Serial.begin(9600) so its set and saved in the file after ward with the loop seting it can just repated over agin. With the seting at deylaed 100 the light will only trun by the pressure put on its self.
void setup() {
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(9);
// print out the value you read:
delay(100); // delay in between reads for stability
Fabrication files¶
[files] file_oct17a_copy.ino.zip