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3. Circular Open Source Fashion

Details of 2fesi-bag

Research & Ideation

I truly enjoyed this weeks assignment although once again it was not without challenges. The process was awesome though! This is the first week I could execute my original ideas from week1: getting inspiration from the Amazon rainforest and reflecting this in the projects I develop during Fabricademy.

I used my interlocking pieces to develop a small handbag and later pulled the bag apart to reuse the same pieces to make a second skin to make over an old handbag that I dont use much anymore. Why the second skin? I tend to use one bag for a long time untill it is worn, since I dont like to change bags. Its not fashionable but practical since I carry alot of stuff in my purse and always forget something when I change my purse. Not handy when it's crucial things like keys or a drivers license. So the second skin would be a solution to dress-up my bag or color coordinate with my outfil of the day.

Here are pictures of the first handbag: 2Fesi Handbag 2Fesi Handbag

And this is how the process took place for these concepts:

Source of inspiration: Tu Fesi Wiwiri (Talipariti tiliaceum/ Beach Hibiscus)

My inspiration for tessalation and interlocking comes from the Talipariti tiliaceum/ Beach Hibiscus tree also called Tu Fesi Wiwiri ( Two faced leave) in Surinamese.

2fesiwiri tree 2fesiwiri leaves 2fesiwiri leaves

This is a tropical plant with heart shaped leaves in 3 colors: green, white and a pink-red gradient. The beauty is that every leave is different because of the many combinations in color patterns. Some are entirely green, some entirely white or pink-red some are a combination of colors in unique patterns. The name tu fesi wiri combined with the heart shape, first refers to the colorful leaves. In my imagination the name could also have somthing to do with the heart shape of the leaves: How love between people can be ever changing. Tu fesi litterally means two faced or two faces where people can be madly in love today and be indifferent tomorrow. The name shows that love can go through many phases, just like the many color patterns in the leaves. In addition to the look, which makes it a popular ornamental plant, two fesi wiri has many medicinal benefits and the bark is even used to weave rope and cloth.

I personally have fond memories of this tree because it was a signature shade tree that grew in front of my grandmother's house where we used to spend our childhood summer vacations playing with cousins and doing all kinds of mischief. A few years ago, my mother moved to a new home and the same tree happened to grow by the entrance.

Reference about Talipariti tiliaceum/ Beach Hibiscus/ Tu Fesi Wiri


The steps in the process:

  • I first made some paper models based on the designs in the tutorial. I started really simple with squares and circles since this is new and I wanted to get the hang of it. I used regular A4 print paper for the first model and cupcake packaging for the circles. A third paper model was with heart shapes to get an idea of how to interconnect the leaves.

  • Secondly I made a drawing of the form on paper based on the 2Fesi leave, making a decision where to make the cuttings for interlocking for male, female and hybrid pieces.

  • The third test I did was with 2 sample pieces of leather from the fabric store for testing. Still doing handywork I cut the form out of pieces of leather with scissors and interlocked the pieces to resemble the 2Fesi leave.

  • I now felt ready to go digital and designed the leave forms for the interlocking pieces in Inkscape.

  • We did a test lasercut of the forms, adjusting the cutting settings.

  • I went back to the store and bought several colors of the leather that was a bit more flexible when interlocking.

  • We lasercut a total of 60 pieces in 3 different colors: green, purple and yellow.

  • And then finally it was time to interlock the pieces together with the bag as end result.

Test samples

Paper and scissor test pieces Paper and scissor test pieces Paper and scissor test pieces

Modelling in Inkscape

Inkscape model 2fesi

Choice for Leather Material

Material 2fesi

Laser cutting

Lasercutting 2fesi

Interconnecting the pieces

Lasercutting 2fesi

Lasercutting 2fesi

References & Inspiration


Assembly videos on Youtube

You can find the time lapse for lasercutting the interlocking pieces and the assembly by clicking the following Youtube links:

Time laps of interlocking pieces being lasercut

Watch the video

Time-laps interlocking lasercut fabric

Watch the video

Upload to Open Source Circular Fashion library

This design was added to the Open Source Circular Fashion library and can be found via this link: Submitting 2fesi bag

Fabrication files