10. E-Textiles and Wearables II


Hussein Chalayan

Ying Gao

A motion sensor (or motion detector) is the linchpin of your security system, because it's the main device that detects when someone is in your home when they shouldn't be. A motion sensor uses one or multiple technologies to detect movement in an area.

  • Use motion sensor and when feel someone / sound (photosensor) the garment moves.

Lilytronica (Synthesizer)


Arduino's language is the C code, it has a UART/USART to connect to you computer. Arduino can work connected to your computer where you can programme it or it can work by itself like a mini computer once you have saved your programation in it.

Arduino Vocab.

  • Loop: Code in Repetition (only need 1 line to do man things)
  • Setup: Code do 1 different things per lines.
  • Variable: Name of Box with information and type of information (for memory)
  • CHAR: 1 letter
  • STRING: More than 1 letter (word, phrase)
  • INT: Number
  • FLOAT: Number with decimals
  • Same as: ==
  • Serial.begin (115200): Speed how it connect to my computer
  • Serial.println (NAME): Show you what we programmed before
  • AnalogWrite: let read value for speaker
  • Tone: Wich pin, wich velocity (PIN, Hz)
  • NoTone: Wich pin (PIN)


Sound Actuator - Speaker

  • You can measure the frequency of plants, sun,..., and convert them into sound.

Code for sound

void setup() { 
  // put your setup code here, to run once: 


void loop() { 
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:  
  tone (3,440);
  delay (200);
  noTone (3);


Daft Punk Code

How to make a fabric speaker

Circuit on paper with speaker and fabric speaker

Circuit with ampliphier

Buy Mini Akazon Amplifier PAM8403 HXL 1728

Connect speaker to computer

How to wire an audio jack to a cable

Liza Stark - Custom Mono Amp for Textile Speakers

Motion Actuator - Shape memory

How-To: Work with Shape-Memory Alloy

Code for shape memory

void setup() {
  //Initialise pin 1 for output
  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(8, HIGH);   // On - contract the flexinol
  delay(2000);                       // wait for 2 second
  digitalWrite(8, LOW);    // Off - let the flexinol relax
  delay(4000);                       // wait for 4 seconds

What are muscle wires? and How do they work?

What are Muscle Wires?

Circuit for shape memory

Shape memory on paper

Shape memory on fabric


E-Textiles II from Amaya de Yavorsky on Vimeo.