1. State of the art, project management and documentation

The Flow of Information which intrigued me from this week.

During our lecture this week we got an insight of what we will be doing on the course this year. I was suprised to hear we would be attempting to make our own small Modular machines which will help us complete a certain task. Before starting this course I went to a shoemaker who used his industrial machine to do stitching in the shoes, which I failed to do by hand. Taking this story into consideration, I have been given the motivation to make a smaller, multi-functional machine to stitch into the thick, gluey material of already made shoes. Take the Nike Air Force 1's as an example. It's good that we had been briefed in the lecture that the fashion industry is said to be responsible for 10% of global pollution.Seems that an increase to Domestic production, through Digital Fabrication is the way to decrease the pollution. With Digital Fabrication it my be possible to lower the demand of production in factories and long distance shipping, in addition this could allow more progress in improving worker's conditions.

Tasks and these I can improve on:

The principle task of this week was to create our FabricAcademy page using the GitLab programming system. Looking on the positive side, it was great to be finally be introduced to website production.

From Youtube

Neri Oxman

Master Procrastinator