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8. Soft robotics

Concept & Inspiration

Soft robotics focuses on creating flexible, adaptable, and often bio-inspired robotic structures using soft materials. Unlike traditional rigid robots, soft robots can deform, adapt to their environment, and interact safely with humans and delicate objects.

When I first heard the term "soft robotics," the first thing that came to mind was Baymax from Disney's Big Hero 6. Baymax embodies the key principles of soft robotics—he is inflatable, adaptive, and designed for human interaction. This idea of using air pressure to drive movement is central to my approach for this week's assignment.


I explored various resources on soft robotics and inflatables to understand materials, structures, and fabrication techniques. Here are some key sources:

Introduction to Soft Robotics: Open Soft Machines provides an overview of soft robotics, highlighting key principles and applications.

Bio-Inspired Soft Robotics: Semantic Scholar discusses the bio-inspired approach in soft robotics.

Advanced Materials in Soft Robotics: IOP Science provides insights into materials such as silicone and TPU fabrics.

Tiny Bubbles in Soft Robotics: Princeton Research explores the use of air bubbles for soft robotic movement.

Baymax & Inflatable Robots: NBC News discusses the science behind inflatable robots like Baymax.

Inflatable Fashion & Wearables: Dana Ramler and Inflate UK showcase fashion applications of inflatables, inspiring my approach to wearable soft robotics.

Touch-Sensed Inflation: ACM Research explores interactive inflatables that respond to pressure.

Origami-Inspired Soft Robotics: USC Research looks at folding techniques for creating soft robotic movement.

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References & Inspiration

For this week, I am designing two soft robotic prototypes:

A robotic flower that blooms – Inspired by nature, this prototype will use air pressure to open and close petals, mimicking the blooming process.

An inflatable wearable – Exploring soft robotics in fashion, I will experiment with creating inflatable designs

Soft Robotic Flower:

Inflatable Fashion & Wearables:

  • Inflatable Style – Discusses the rise of inflatable fashion and how designers are experimenting with air-filled garments.

  • Kyon Design's Inflatable Projects – Showcases fashion and design projects incorporating inflatable elements for structural transformation.

  • DIY Inflatable Vest – A step-by-step guide on creating an inflatable vest, providing insights into materials and construction techniques.

  • Two images side-by-side


Process and workflow


To make inflatable I wanted to make something like paper art. you will need;

- Baking paper
- Heat transfer vinly sheet 
- Iron
- Scissors
- Pencil

Steps to follow

  • Cut the Baking paper in a square shape then fold it into a triangle

  • Use scissors to cut out shapes from your baking paper( I did a snowflake and hearts).

  • Cut 2 vinyl sheet larger than the baking paper

  • Stack the vinyl sheet, baking paper, and the other vinyl sheet in that order. At this time, ensure that any part of the baking paper where you’ll insert a straw sticks out a bit longer than the vinyl in that section.

  • Cover with a cloth and iron slowly.

  • Once ironing is complete and it has cooled slightly, peel off the clear sheet on the vinyl from both sides, this will make it easier when blowing air in.

  • Insert a straw and blow air into it. Observe how it bends.

Artificial muscle

This model 1 was obtained by..

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footnote fabrication files

Fabrication files are a necessary element for evaluation. You can add the fabrication files at the bottom of the page and simply link them as a footnote. This was your work stays organised and files will be all together at the bottom of the page. Footnotes are created using [ ^ 1 ] (without spaces, and referenced as you see at the last chapter of this page) You can reference the fabrication files to multiple places on your page as you see for footnote nr. 2 also present in the Gallery.

Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup() {
  // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output.

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second


Fabrication files

  1. File: xxx 

  2. File: xxx