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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

My interests stand at the intersection of visuals, plants, perfume, holistic medicine, jewelry and textiles. I see my world as a curiosity cabinet where I collect rare/one of a kind objects and oddities.
I would see a project gathering some of these fields into a physical project.

I am drawn to flowers/plant dyes, eco-print, pattern design, growing kombucha & other mushrooms , bacterial experimentations (…) and I would say that my vision is connected to the beauty, holistic and food field; regarding the body as a living organism.

• Research & Ideation •

Here is a project I've tried to developped this past year; prints inspired from my aesthetics and the natural world (stones,plants...) and that I wanted to print in an ecological way, high quality and made-in-france. This would have been a first step to develop other products/artworks and it seemed the easiest. But I struggled very much to get the quality I wanted to (fabric), to print in small scale and rect-verso (seemed impossible with sustainable inks for example). So i had to forget about this project.

I started to wonder if it wouldn't be interesting to print with other techniques and forget about the prints I digitally made. (maybe use it for visual artworks and pictures associated with the project). This is when I started to become interested in natural dyes, eco-print, and other experimentations...

• References & Inspiration •


In textiles, what interests me the most is the research of organic shapes, textures, colors and the process of experimentation itself. Also, being very visual, I am drawn to strong patterns.


Jewelry is also a field that I'm very much into; because for me jewelry is a way to collect objects/treasures/imprints and wear it as talismans. I think that there is something rather tribal in a way with jewelry, it's a kind of garment and it is so personal; as well, it is something that is supposed to last and be passed down. Materials exploration and experimentations are a crucial part of a design, therefore I reckon it is closed to textile in some way. Stones are a big inspiration and I find it so fascinating.


Plants and flowers are something that I find very inspiring - how origignal, I know. I am honestly captivated by the richness of their colors, shapes, patterns. I would say that I am interested mostly, in rare plants & flowers, because what I enjoy is discovering new species, shapes, colors, textures. Honestly, when I miss nature in the center of Paris, I go to flower shops to breathe. I love the feeling of being in a greenhouse for example. Seems like all your skin can is recharging.


One of my biggest passion is related to holistic medicine. For personal reasons, I had to take care of my health from a young age and as long as I remember, I have always been searching for recipes and secrets to enhance my beauty & health. I would say, beauty inside & out. As I strongly believe that eveyrything comes from within. It is such an important part of my life that I am kind of an autodidact in this field, learning, reading about naturopathy, chinese medicine, ayurveda etc. I have the dream to do something with this today, like owning a brand, a concept store or an art project related to it. Apothecaries are the place I feel most home, I am completely captivated.

Last update: 2023-07-16