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9. Wearables


This week we continue working on electronics ! a very fascinating opening into this field of textile and electronics, I'm very passionate about the possibilities for weaving these techologies. In relation to my creative methodologies for colective and performantive processes. Specifically, I'd like to focus my experimentation on weaving this processes with more-than-human entities such as soil and water, breaking the boundaries between organic and inorganic life.

Laura Tripaldi in her book Parallel Minds, connects the thoughts of different philosophers and archeologists around ideas of software and weaving as ancestral knowledge. Also, a knowledge that's closely related to the female gender. Linda Hurcombe describes as the 'missing majority' all technology related to organic material sources that isn't recorded on the stablished history of human kind evolution, regarding pre-hitoric researches, and the great lost of accountability of these technologies in our trajectory as relational beings in this Earth. While Elishabeth Wayland Barber researches textile and weaving history, which Laura Tripaldi connects to the missing majority from a feminist perspective. Lastly, Sadie Plant in her book Ceros + Unos, relates weaving and knitting to nowadays electronic and computational technologies, and how they are based on the same principle: soft technologies and softwares, both are operations/intructions/programs, that are able to develop an abstract process thoughtout a material substrate.

I am fascinated by these researches and explorations, from the semantics of the word soft, from the feminist research on weaving technology and the relation to the missing majority and organical sources of production; being connected to electronics from a young age thanks to my father, and personally being passionate on textiles, merging these fields of knowledge suits my current research and pushes my explorations.

Perishable Material Culture in Prehistory, Linda M.Hurcombe

Women's Work: The First 20,000 Years Women, Cloth, and Society in Early Times, Elishabeth Wayland Barber

Paralel Minds, Laura Tripaldi.

This week I want to star a line of research and experimentation inside my project, where I connect the data colection of the soil moisture to the Hz frecuency of sound and of our bodies. My aim is that from the data the moisture sensor is collecting, this gets translated into sound. I would program the data into diferrent Hz frecuencies that get translated into midi notes of an harmony.


Hydraulic cartography - frecuency analysis of moisture soil - body chakras

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References & Inspiration

The Singing Compost has involved the creation of a functioning system that not only generates healthy, nutritious compost from garden waste, but also makes visible and audible the bacterial activity and metabolic processes of soil in all its liveliness, transmitting clicking noises that have become part of the surrounding sonic landscape. The Singing Compost can be understood as a prototype for a sensorial, educational and ecologically regenerative artwork, that invites connection and relation with the living ecosystems that we all are part of and depend upon.

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Process and workflow_SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR


SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR_data collection

For this assigment I started working with a SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR


soil moisture sensor

HERE, I learnt how to connect the sensor to arduino and the code to collect data from the sensor.




soil moisture data collection


tools > serial monitor TO SEE DATA


HERE and HERE, I learnt how to connect a LED light as analog output depending on the data collection from the soil moisture sensor.


scheme soil moisture - LED

SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR & buzzer speaker & LED lights

HERE I learnt how to connect it to a buzzer speaker and multiple LED lights



Code Example

Use the three backticks to separate code.

int greenLight = 0; // LED pins
int yellowLight = 1;
int redLight = 2;
int piezoBuzzer = 3;
int maximumMoistureLevel;
int currentMoistureLevel;
const int sensor_pin = A0; // Soil moisture sensor pin

void moistureDetection() {
    float moisturePercentage = 0;
    if (maximumMoistureLevel > 0) {
        moisturePercentage = (float)currentMoistureLevel / maximumMoistureLevel;
    } else {
        Serial.println("Error: Maximum moisture level is zero!");
    if (moisturePercentage <= 0.1) { // Below 10%
    digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLight, HIGH);
    tone(piezoBuzzer, 5000, 500);
} else if (moisturePercentage <= 0.3) { // 10-30%
    digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLight, HIGH);
} else if (moisturePercentage <= 0.6) { // 30-60%
    digitalWrite(greenLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(yellowLight, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);
} else { // Above 60%
    digitalWrite(greenLight, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(yellowLight, LOW);
    digitalWrite(redLight, LOW);

void setup() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(i, LOW);
    pinMode(sensor_pin, INPUT);
    maximumMoistureLevel = analogRead(sensor_pin);

// Program start indicator
tone(piezoBuzzer, 5000, 500);
tone(piezoBuzzer, 6000, 500);

void loop() {
    currentMoistureLevel = analogRead(sensor_pin);

// Serial output
float moisturePercentage = (float)currentMoistureLevel / maximumMoistureLevel * 100;
Serial.print("Current Moisture Level: ");
Serial.print(" (");



Fabrication files

  1. File: xxx 

  2. File: xxx