11. Implications and applications

The world of fashion which has often been at the forefront of innovation yet in so many ways it has stayed behind. The social-economical shifts combined with climate change have slowly been forcing the industry into change. The problem is that many industry leaders still lack the vision to see the many opportunities that lie in innovation and the importance of educating future designers fitting to these new realities.

The sooner we learn to react to ongoing and future changes the faster the learning process can start, the growing can start to allign with collaboration and creation of a future we would all like to be part of. Unfortunately the industry is proving slow to addapt which undoubtly reflects on the education systems and how they prepare the design professionals and creative minds of tomorrow.

Eventhough more institutions are starting to addapt their learning methods onto multi-disciplanary projects. It is of key importance that students start practicing critical design thinking during their secondary education. By jumping in earlier in the learning experiences of the students can help inspire them about the future when learning about working with design innovation, but it also supports longer development of their critical thinking allowing them to explore, analyze and learn how to approach their interests within the field.

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Sources Research New Skins I 2020 by Paulina Martina

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