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This week is an introduction to the field of e-textiles, example projects in the field, and the materials & technical developments that make these projects possible. We will go into detail on different techniques for making soft/flexible/fabric circuits. The assignements are:

  • Build at least one digital and one analogue soft sensor, using different materials and techniques.
  • Document the sensor project as well as the readings got using the AnalogRead of Arduino
  • Integrate the two soft sensors into one or two textile swatches using hard soft connections
  • Document the circuit and its schematic
  • Document your swatches / samples
  • Upload your arduino code as text
  • Upload a small video of the swatches functioning
  • Integrate the swatch into a project (extra credit)

Textile swatch

Planning the circuit

For this week, we need a textile swatch to make hard and soft connections. I choose to make this LEDs circuit, wich can be close by connecting individually or in parallel to a 3V battery or plug seperatly on a board. describe what you see in this image Ideally, to avoid the LEDs' duration being reduced, a resistor should probably be added when using with a 3V battery. I don't have a multimeter to measure the resistance of the components of this circuit and present an accurate project. My goal was to have a sample that was flexible enough to meet the needs of both digital and analog sensor and this swatch can do the job.

Sew and embroider

I got a old swatch sample Halloween themed, perfect for this season. I first prepared the LEDs, then fixed them and added some points of embroider and snaps for simple connection points. The thread is a 100% polyamide silver plated. process


After some sewing to finish the border properly, what I should have done first, the swatch is lighting! OMG, it's working!

Digital grumpy mood soft sensor


I made a digital soft sensor that looks like my mood of the week. Sketch The battery can be put inside the sensor or it can be plug to other devises. What I need to build it:

* 1 organza black ribbon
* black sewing thread
* 1 battery
* 1 LED for testing
* conductive embroidery thread
* scissors
* a sewing needle
* go beyond my grumpy mood

Achieved grumpy mood soft sensor


reason of the bug and debugging
  • I thought my digital grumpy mood didn't work, until I tested the battery :/
  • Problem solved by changing the battery
  • However I was still grumpy...

Connecting to the textile swatch: lighting swatch! Here is the code used in monday 25 of octobre tutorial to read digital sensors and the result: Sketch

To make it works, it is necessary to take of the battery and use the sensor as a switch. Even if heavier, using Arduino is much less empirical than testing on an LED.

Code grumpy

I would have liked to put a growling sound but I only had LEDs so I use the halloween textile swatch again. The code assigned is : when you crush the grumpy mood, the LED switch on or off oposite to its previous state.

int buttonState ;

bool lightOn = false;

void setup()
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop()
  buttonState = digitalRead(2);

  if (buttonState == HIGH)
    lightOn = !lightOn;

    if (lightOn == true){
    lightOn == false;
    else {
      lightOn == true;

Make work the grumpy!

* resistors
* A shield
* Some wires
* the grumpy mood soft sensor
* Arduino and its connection wires
* the Halloween test swatch
* fingers
* patience
* perseverance

Circuit shematic

Shematics from tinkercad

OMG, it's working!

Analogic bend soft sensor


I made a Bend Sensor found in KOBAKANT with a step by Step explanation. because I have no neoprene, I replaced it by felt.

* Felt
* Conductive thread
* Conductive fabric
* Velostat
* Needle
* Fabric scissors
* Fabric pen

finished bend sensor

Reading and result

This is the circuit to can read the bend sensor schéma Tinkercad

Here is the code used in monday 25 of octobre tutorial to read analog sensors:

int analog_sensor_pin = A0;   //change the pin, where the sensor is connected?
int analog_sensor_value = 0;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(analog_sensor_pin, INPUT);


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
analog_sensor_value = analogRead(analog_sensor_pin); //read the Voltage of the pin sensor

Serial.println(analog_sensor_value); // print the value on the Serial monitor

The results regarding of the bend degree were: results

Light a LED with the bend sensor

To associate the value of the sensor to the LED, I done this circuit: schéma Tinkercad

and a code

int led_pin = 3;
int analog_sensor_pin = A0;  
int readValue = 0;
int ledValue = 0;

void setup() {

pinMode(analog_sensor_pin, INPUT);
pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
readValue = analogRead(analog_sensor_pin); //read the Voltage of the pin sensor

ledValue = map(readValue, 961, 1020, 0, 960); //we change the range

analogWrite(led_pin, ledValue);  //we use the mapped value to control the Led

It's working OMG, it's also working!

My week review for instagram

Last update: 2022-12-12