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10. Wearables

Inspired by my last project, the



I mixed sound and female power and create the



2 step1

Silicon speakers step1 step1

Code Example AtTiny


* chainStitch Noise for ATtiny85
* Two capacitive sensors controlling a white noise generator.
* Links-references:
* Afroditi Psarra
* June 2016

#include <CapacitiveSensor.h> // Use the capacitive sensing library.

CapacitiveSensor right = CapacitiveSensor(1, 2); // 1MOhms resistor between digital pin 1 and 2, 2 is the sensor pin.
CapacitiveSensor left = CapacitiveSensor(4, 3); // 1MOhms resistor between digital pin 4 and 3, 3 is the sensor pin.

long rightVal = 0; // Variable to store the right sensor's value
int freqVal = 0; // Variable to store the mapped right sensor's value - to be later used as frequency modulator

long leftVal = 0; // Variable to store the left sensor's value
int outVal = 0; // Variable to store the mapped left sensor's value

int speakerPin = 0; // Speaker connected to digital pin 0

unsigned long int reg;

void setup() {
  pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT); // initialize the speakerPin as an output
  reg = 0x55aa55aaL; //The seed for the bitstream. It can be anything except 0.

void loop() {
  rightVal = right.capacitiveSensor(30); // read the right sensor's value
  freqVal = map(rightVal, 0, 50000, 500, 0); // map the right sensor's value in a frequency range to be used as frequency modulation.

  leftVal = left.capacitiveSensor(30); // read the left sensor's value
  outVal = map(leftVal, 0, 50000, 40, 0); // map the left sensor's value in milliseconds to be used as a delay between each grain repetition.

  if (rightVal > 40) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {

  if (leftVal > 40) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {

  else {
    digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);

// the noise producing function
void generateNoise() {
  unsigned long int newr;
  unsigned char lobit;
  unsigned char b31, b29, b25, b24;
  b31 = (reg & (1L << 31)) >> 31;
  b29 = (reg & (1L << 29)) >> 29;
  b25 = (reg & (1L << 25)) >> 25;
  b24 = (reg & (1L << 24)) >> 24;
  lobit = b31 ^ b29 ^ b25 ^ b24;
  newr = (reg << 1) | lobit;
  reg = newr;
  digitalWrite(speakerPin, reg & 1);

  delayMicroseconds(freqVal); // Changing this value changes the frequency.


Last update: December 1, 2020