Week 1: State of the Art, Project Management and Documentation

Status: Documented

25 Sept, 2019

This week's main objective was to help set us up for documenting our work. I initially set up the website through Markdown and documented it for this week before shifting to HTML as there is just a different kind of fun in writing with HTML. And this time Nishtha and I really wanted to experiment with our skills that help us both integrate super fun elements from multiple website templates into one within the HTML world. So we decided to have a similar website which defines our lab's character as well and something we would want our future students to refer to understand HTML should they wish to. This website is currently made with elements from as many as 8 differnet web templates. We will as such have access to Markdown during the fab academy instructorship sessions in 2019 so our learning curve and our lab's prospective students have something to refer to on both sides of the web.

Objectives | Tasks at hand


The goal for me this week is to amalgamate elements of websites I like into one and make it uniform, make a week's template of sorts which i would edit and replicate for each week, to integrate my website editing workflow with Microsoft Visual studio and make commits from studio itself as I previously used Git bash, Powershell, cmd prompt during my fab academy days for it. The aim is also to start researching how I want to distribute my 5 months in retrospect to the final project sketch/concept.

"During the next 5 months, I expect to come across some wise words by someone or the other (even the witty ones or hillarious ones), and I might want to document that too here. To be honest i just wanted to use some sort of quote section within each assignment even if I dont come across anyting interesting. :P"


Command Line

__________________________________________________________ FOR GIT BASH AS DEFAULT TERMINAL ---------------------------------------------------------- For making Git Bash your Default editor from within VS code terminal: 1. Ctrl + Shift + P . 2. Type: Select Default Shell. 3. Select Git Bash 4. The new terminal now will be a Git Bash terminal __________________________________________________________ FOR REPOSITORY SETUP ---------------------------------------------------------- ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "******@gmail.com" -b 4096 Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa): Created directory '/c/Users/ziosm/.ssh'. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: SHA256:k+NLTPbYY5K0v6vlMiX4ov6CI/3U0OVKU2HYHacVzSA mahavir92@gmail.com The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 4096]----+ | oo.E.== | | .....= o | | o . | | . .. | | . +++..o+=o | +----[SHA256]-----+ ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~ $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | clip $ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ssh-rsa AAA******AQABAAACAQDJREnQe7exYX8YEXEEPQcA5pwLlXasbkOb6g+BNHj8 qdEG5d604X4jH****7bhpcu04R82*******U15qPa5Wj7AM8Fi0IY3x4+sA84C******** qw== ********@gmail.com ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~ $ git clone git@gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabricademy/2019/students/Mahavir.git Cloning into 'Mahavir'... Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa': remote: Counting objects: 111, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (105/105), done. remote: Total 111 (delta 59), reused 0 (delta 0) Receiving objects: 100% (111/111), 1.34 MiB | 228.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (59/59), done. ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 $ cd ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~ $ cd fabricademy_website ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~/fabricademy_website (master) $ git pull Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa': Already up to date. ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~/fabricademy_website (master) $ git add --all ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~/fabricademy_website (master) $ git commit -m "image resize" [master 4c04a8d] image resize 41 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 1/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 10/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 11/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 12/slide1.jpg rename website/assets/img/week 2/{17.png => 10.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{18.png => 11.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{19.png => 12.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{20.png => 13.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{25.png => 14.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{26.png => 15.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{30.jpg => 16.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{28.jpg => 17.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{29.jpg => 18.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{31.jpg => 19.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{36.jpg => 2.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{32.jpg => 20.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{35.jpg => 21.jpg} (100%) delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/21.png delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/22.png delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/23.png delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/24.png delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/27.png rename website/assets/img/week 2/{6.jpg => 3.jpg} (100%) delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/33.jpg rename website/assets/img/week 2/{7..jpg => 4.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{10.jpg => 5.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{9.jpg => 6.jpg} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{14.png => 7.png} (100%) delete mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/8.jpg rename website/assets/img/week 2/{15.png => 8.png} (100%) rename website/assets/img/week 2/{16.png => 9.png} (100%) create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/a.mp4 create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/b.mp4 create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 2/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 3/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 4/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 5/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 6/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 7/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 8/slide1.jpg create mode 100644 website/assets/img/week 9/slide1.jpg ziosm@SurfaceBook MINGW64 ~/fabricademy_website (master) $ git push Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/ziosm/.ssh/id_rsa': Counting objects: 10, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done. Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 1.06 MiB | 3.98 MiB/s, done. Total 10 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0) To gitlab.fabcloud.org:academany/fabricademy/2019/students/Mahavir.git 4d50cf4..4c04a8d master -> master

Tips and Tricks

Info Panel

Microsoft Visual Studio is a powerful text editor that wonderfully integrates all terminals to help you pull/push including integrating bash/powershell/cmd among others from within the editor. It also lets you install a plethora of plugins for every language, lets you live share to co-work and yeah split screen.

Warning Notes

Its my personal habit to duplicate the cloned folder and update that duplicate folder to copy-paste into the repo folder everytime after I pull. This way, i have a one down version control in addition to the version control and history that gitlab offers. It also helps avoid any possibility of pull/push errors while editing files within the repo.

Danger Panel

Pull->add->commit->push in this order. Alsom Always make sure your folder is up to date before making any changes to that folder otherwise it won't sync. Lastly, use multiple elements of different templates only if you have access to their js and css files.

Success Panel

Mardown in amazing to start documenting right at the go. I used it, but as an instructor I also need to set up an HTML way of documenting for my students should one wish to learn HTML website making in specific during upcoming academy editions.


I usually ask the Global team or myself questions relevant to the week's task.I plan to use this section to help me document for our lab's next batch of students important questions and their answers discussed during Global review/Recitation.

Yes and No. Nishtha, my co-fellow and myself wanted to derive a similar website template of sorts for our Lab for future students so they could have a neat example of how to integrate multiple elements of different websites. To give them a better understanding of CSS/JS/HTMl. We both started with a set of 5 templates we shorltisted and seperately worked out our personal tastes into it to come up with two websites, one hers and one mine that are similar yet have a distinct taste to it. Its roughly 10% of 5 Seperate templates. Heavily rewritten by us as upto 50% of the HTML.
I personally like Visual Studio over atom/brackets/dreamweaver. Mainly because am a die hard Microsoft fan. They might not be open source but hey, I only got 50 years more to live. Id rather spend extra time saved from not debugging in open source into something else ;-)
I had initially not given write access to Gitlab's SSH. So initially I was not able to Push. Once I enabled it on Gitlab as described above, I was able to do so thereafter.
I have my tasks in depth on ASANA which is integrated with InstaGANT. The results of the GANT can be seen HERE.
Note: Gant Content is expected to keep reducing with time as I keep deleting updating tasks on ASANA and this is reflected in the link whihc shows the most up to date GANT.

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