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7. Computational Couture


  1. Document the concept, sketches, references also to artistic and scientific publications
  2. Design a parametric model using Grasshopper3D and upload the rhino file + grasshopper files.
  3. Learn how to use 3D printing techniques to print the 3D model in/on the chosen materials.
  4. Document the workflow for exporting your file and preparing the machine and gcode to be 3D printed
  5. Upload your stl file with pictures at :
  6. Submit some of your swatches to the analog material library of your lab. (20cm *20cm aprox)

Inspirations :

My inspirations for this work come from the work of Audrey Desjardins, a colleague designer based in university of washington. She works on physicalizing IoT data. I have tought of how that can be relevant to my practice as a choreographer, as I could visualize the physical scores that I give to the dancers.In this project, audrey logged and parsed IoT data collected in a home to drive the texture on the surface of the 3D printed cups: bumps on the cup represented louder moments of the day. I beleive these represent scores of people's everyday life. Used in dance we could think of how 3D printing allows to physicalize individual and group movement patterns. I would like to work on printing waves on textile.


Making the 3D model

I chose to print a dance score that I made, that consists of 8 waves. Each wave is the score for one dancer. Wave 1, is a score where the dancer performs 1 step forward in a straight line. Wave 2 is for the second dancer to perfom 2 steps in a straight line. Wave 3, 3 steps...Etc. The hight variations for each wave represent the height of the dancer's body. So the score forces the dancers to modify their height while walking (squating, or walking on the tip of their foot). The rest of the dance is open, they can gesture or move additional parts of the body at their own choice.

Hereafter I illustrate how I designed the 3D model of the waves on Fusion 360

3D modeling on Fusion 360 More images
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Printing the 3D model

Hereafter I illustrate how I prepared to launch the printing of the 3D model of the waves on Cura with TPU material

3D printing on CURA More images
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Hereafter I illustrate how I prepared to print on the 3D Printer Ultimaker 3 on textile images

The result failed to actually stick on textile.

3D printing on Ultimaker 3 More images
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So I launched the printing without the textile. I had to reconfiger the printing parameters and the distance between the pleteau of the printing and the buse.

Tweeking the 3D printing on Ultimaker 3 More images
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The result of the printing is quite satisfying however it is not on textile. images

The waves scores More images
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The design can be found here : project

The files that represent the waves can be found in : waves

Printing on textile

After the experience on textile that failed with the model I had designed, I choose a different model and tried to print using generic PLA material instead, with the AA 0.8 nozzle.

The model is also waves that are connected in the center, where the dancers perfor endless circles with variations of the hight : images

In order to print the model, I prepared the 3D printing on Cura for the Ultimaker 5S using generic PLA material instead, with the AA 0.8 nozzle.

Generic PLA parameters more
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Setting up the printer with the textile on top of it : images

I than launched the printing:

Debut of the printing the filling 20%
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The finale :


Last update: 2021-12-17