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Just a heads-up, you will see a lot of questions in the following paragraphs, questions that I wish to find answers for in the coming months.

First thing first, I hate bad quality clothing, not acceptable for someone (me) who practices sewing and pattern making day and night. Also, it's bad for the environment, as we all know. But, I think durable fashion will never be a sustainability solution if we don't stop producing. I never understand how some designers encourage people to buy less and still produce 80 looks every season.. (Opps, not to point names here) And to be honest, there are probably no more than 5 garments in my wardrobe that I can promise I will wear them for more than 10 years. I want some nice new things every now and then.

I came across the work by Scarlett Yang and felt really inspired. She designed a glass-like bio material using algae extract and silk cocoon protein and can decompose in water within 24 hours. You can read an article about her work here.

scarlett yang

What if sustainable fashion doesn't have to be durable?

After studying fashion for 5 years at a fashion school, I no longer look for inspiration from movies like The Devil Wears Prada. Last year, as I was trying to make my first ever bio materials, I realized the process was just like cooking. It reminded me of a documentary I watched about the so-called world's best restaurant Noma.

I am really curious about the philosophy behind fine dining experience. It's high quality, expensive, and only lasts for 2 hours. Would the same logic work in the fashion industry, that garments have an expiry date just like food?


This week is about learning how to build a documentation website with Gitlab using markup language Markdown.


Two types of fonts are : Serif and San Serif


I prefer San Serif because it looks clean, minimal, and contemporary, whereas Serif looks serious and classic.

Testing out different fonts ↓


In the end I decided to use Encode Sans Thin 100 because it's simple and modern :)


Number Sign for Headings

Add # in front of a word or a phrase to creating a heading. The numbers of # used correspond to the heading level.

For Example:

heading examples

Asterisk/Underscore for Bold

Add ** or __ before and after a world or a phrase to bold text.

For Example:

This is fun! This is fun! This is fun!

Asterisk/Underscore for Italic

Add * or _ before a world or a phrase to italicize text.

For Example:

This is not fun! This is not fun! This is not fun!

Asterisk/Underscore for Bold and Italic

Add *** or ___ before a word or a phrase to bold and italicize text.

For Example:

This is Fun!

Helpful Website: Basic Syntax


Uploading images in Markdown is really simple. We can upload images from various resources such as the Internet or PC.


To upload images from the Internet:

  1. Open any image
  2. Right click and select 'copy image address' option
  3. Paste the image address instead of the Image URL in Markdown
  4. The image will be inserted

To upload images from PC:

It's important to specify the path of the images saved on our PC. Remember to minimize the sizes of the images and not to upload too many at the same time.