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1. State of the art, project management and documentation ORGA YU SREFI: PAPIRA NE FERGITI


Amazon rainforest

Photo credits: Reina Raveles

Suriname is the greenest country on earth with 93% rainforest coverage. The Amazon rainforest holds an unimaginable wealth of natural resources, and conservation of this is acknowledged as one of the biggest assets in the battle against climate change. My great inspiration for Fabricademy will be the Amazone rainforest. Sustainable use of the natural resources: plants, leaves, seeds, forest fruits, flowers, moss, mushrooms, bugs and animal mimicry. I'm also interested in reclaimed wood, wood waste and sustainable use of trees eg. branches, bark as material. Dont keep me to just these categories since I plan for this Fabricademy to be an adventure both in the lab and the bush.


Apart from wildlife we know that are treatened with extinction, new animal and plant species are still being discovered by scientists. These are some of my favorites:

Samba Planthopper Samba Planthopper

Source/Photo credits: Planthopper

Cocao Frog Cocoa Frog Source/Photo credits:Cacao Frog

Purple Harlequin Toad / Atelopus genus Purple Harlequin Toad; Atelopus genus

Source/Photo credits:Purple Harlequin Toad Purple Harlquin Toad

Tigri / Jaguar / Panthera onca Jaguar Jaguarskin Source/Photo credits: Cultural value of the Jaguar in Suriname

Okopipi / Blue Frog/ Dendrobates Tinctorius Azureus Okopipi Blue Frog Source/Photo credits: Blue frog

Amazing right! Can't get enough? Here are more resources and pictures: * CSNR World Heritage Site

References & Inspiration

Tech & Nature

Robotic animal spies are gaining more space in researching and gaining knowledge about the natural environment. This is very advanced technology that gives an interesting interaction between robotics and the wild and alot of insight into the animal kingdom. I can see some aspects of fabricademy in this discipline including fabrication of skins that biomimic nature, development of new materials, digital bodies and soft robotics. In addition Fabricademy touches on the electronics, that are ofcourse much more advanced in these robotic creatures. You can find some links here: Several robotic spy animals

Source/Photo credit: Article on animatronics robotic spy animals e/Photo credits: Blue frog

Robot Octopus Watch the video

Robot crab Watch the video

Robot oerangoetang Watch the video


Sooooo many beautiful pages! My inspiration among others, because she shared so much about biomaterials and recipes, is Loes Bogers.

Loes Bogers

Tools and instructions

The following tools were used during the page set up: Fabricademy Tutorials on GITLAB and MKDocs TinyPNG Markdown Markdown Youtube Channel Documentation Tutorial