6. Biofabricating

Grown material

For my grown material, I wanted to do some experimentation on roots domestication inspired by Diana Scherer and her work :

"Now I found painting I need to learn to paint"

I started 3 different experimentations :

Aquaponic Stolon Strawberries

I collected the stolon form the Strawberries trees that grow on my terrace I weave them on to a plastic crate. I put piece of lace onto a baking silicone mould and put the strawberries stolon on top of it. All in a larger tub fill with water.

Cress Germinated Seeds

I use the propagator I already have, I think it would be interesting if we can eat the germinated seeds after collecting the roots fabric.

I put the lace in between a piece of geotextile (the roots cannot get through) and the grid with the seed.

Mustard Germinated Seeds

For this one, I use a pot for homemade yogurt. It's in plastic with a thin fabric that let strain the water out. I put the lace and a layer of cotton above and the mustard seed.

Crafted material

I had kept all the dying bath form the Biocromes class 2 week ago. I've use them when water was requierred in the different recipes.

Agar + Red cabbage

Ingredients Agar : 9 mesuring spoon "TAD" (1 tad = 0,54g for this agar) Glycerine : 15gr Water : 250ml Red cabbage dye

Process Warm up the dyed water at 60° Add the glycerine then add the agar

I simmer for 35 min, I decide to stop warming up when the liquide start to become thicker, and the bottom of the pan remains visible for a 5 seconds before the liquid covers it again. I think it was 5min to late because I find it was hard to let it pourring and cast by itself, so I didn't get a nice uniform sheet...

Agar + Hibiscus

Ingredients Agar : 4gr Glycerine : 3gr Water : 400ml Hibiscus dye

Same process than the previous one, I keep it warm max 70°, it took a long time before become thicker : 65min. A lot of water evaporate, and it remained less mixture than the previous one. I cast it, the mixture was still in a thicker liquide state, easy to pour it.

Result is not good, hard to dry, still sticky after 5 days.

Agar + Curcuma

Ingredients Agar : 4gr Glycerine : 12gr Water : 200ml Curcuma dye


Few mistake : I bought Sodium Chloride Hydrate (NaCl2) instead of Calciul Chloride Hydrate (CaCl2) and I'm not sur I bought the good type of alginate...

I've order new ingredients form molecular gastronomy website. I hope it would be more successful next time !

Corn Starch

Vinagre : 15ml Glycerine : 12gr Water : 80ml dyed with curcuma Corn Starch : 3 tad

Mix all the ingredients Warm up for 10 min Cast

Result is not good, hard to dry, still sticky after 5 days.

Scoby sheet

I met this morning, Jean Marie aka "Skobyman" who show me his sheet of scoby