VVVVVStéphanie Vilayphiou

1. State of the art & documentation

Research & Ideation

I have not a precise idea on what to do during the Fabricademy course, I'm mostly interested in discovering new techniques which will be triggers to ideas to develop. I do plan though for the open source hardware week to build a circular knitting machine.

References & Inspiration

Basket Club

Basket Club
✉️ Brief 6 - Nicolas Baker
Basket Club
Brief 9 - Simone Post
Basket Club
Brief 24 - Earnest Studio

Unstable Design Lab

Soft Connection Lab

Documentation workflow

Being a former graphic designer, what I like to change first are colors and fonts. It was not that obvious to have a custom font which is not from Google. There is a strange thing happening with paths… The fonts worked locally on my computer but not online… So I started a custom theme as documented here. I “cheated” a little bit… I started from an existing theme that my partner is working on. I then started to play modifying it and discovering CSS new features like repeating-conic-gradient. All html and css files are available in the vvvvv folder of my gitlab folder.

forked theme
forked theme from Alexandre Leray
what it became after one day
what it became after one day


  • DINdong from the super talented Clara Sambot. If you're French speaking, you can use this font to write in inclusive like: “les enseignant·es et les étudiant·es s’échangent leur savoir-faire”.
  • Cutive Mono from Google Fonts

Background patterns

I discovered this very cool CSS for repeating backgrounds: repeating-conic-gradient. You can find documentation about it and try it out on Mozilla's resource website.

On the repeating-linear-gradient documentation page, you can see how to repeat your pattern on a surface.

I wanted to have changing patterns when changing pages without being too heavy on the browser side. So I used the random template filter of the Jinja language that mkdocs uses. Here's what the code looks like (it has to be put in an html page as it uses a syntax specific to Jinja:

<style type="text/css" media="all">
    body {
        background: repeating-conic-gradient(#DDD {{[71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82]|random}}deg 23%, white 0deg 25%);
        background-size: 40px 40px;


I saw on mkdocs website here that you can easily add a lightbox plugin (when you click on an image, it enlarges it on top of the whole website).

figure & ficaption

I used the Markdown plugin yafg to easily write <figure> and <figvaption>.

The markdown syntax for an image is as usual:

![Alternative text for accessibility](/path/to/image.png "This is the title/caption of the image.")

becomes this html code:

<img alt="Alt text" src="/path/to/image.png" title="This is the title of the image." />
<figcaption>This is the title of the image.</figcaption>