I have unstandard foot, very larg on the front and standard on the back. I am also someone who like sports and my feet allow me do to all these activities (running, climbing, swimming, biking, snowboarding and alot more). At some point my feet need some care attention because I use them brutaly averyday intensively. So I did a commitement to take a better care of them and this is where the problems beggins. I whent to see a orthesis and he explain me that the show need to fit the foot not the other way arround. 500$ later I have a insol adapted to my feet that will last me arround 3 years and that fit in no shoe. So I shop for good shoe. 300$ later I have a orthepedic shoe, a kind of polyvalent all day sneaker that will last me around 3 years aloso because I where them every single day. These sneaker are not anought breathable for my sport training perhaps. 150$ later I have good sport shoes for my training that will last me 1 years tops (I do train alot). Few month later winter has come. No boots fit nothing nada niet exept for a pair of mocasin 300$. These are good to walk in snow not for long distance on the city concrete, but it have nothing else so let's go moccasin. ...and...summer come and it was very hot!! No sandal available at these days that I know of.
Orthesis | Averyday show | Sport shoe | Winter boots | Sandal | TOTAL |
500$ | 300$ | 150$ | 300$ | - | 1250$ |
How can we create an accessible shoe that will respect your unic shape of feet and that will allow you to fulfill all your activity? With the help of a great podiatrist and an osteopath we discus and figure that you have 3 mains category to fufill. The main state of your feet will be to be protected from the environnement. Proted from the differrent type of ground, the temperature and the complexe movement that you need to do (ex: balet shoe). The second state is the seduction one. In many way in your life you put shoe to go out, to be pretty, to fit into the society. And the third state is to strech your feet, be barefoot and train these 3 000 neuro stransmiters at the base of your feet and your feet muscle to your feet could be heatly and fully fonctional. The best position for your feet is to be barefoot in nature, but we began to were shoe when we are babies and the feet transform itsel and adapt to that tool. If you want to go back of being barefoot, you need to learn how to walk again, if not, you will be enjure. So keep the your shoes on. The main problem to to adapt the shape of the foot to the shoe itself. All feet is different and have theire own problems or details and right now every shoe fit similar standard. We need to turn it arround give a possibility to make shoe accessible for all theses persons who have weird feet. The concept is to find a way to take your physical feet shape, bring it virtualy with the 3d scannign or photogrametry technology, work with a podiatrist to find the best shape possible for you and create the sol in a minimum of 3 layers that will allow your feet to have a nice breathable and antibacterien contact with the sol (1st layer), a structural and shock absorbant layer to allow a good ballance and preventing injuries (2nd layer) and finally a layers that will use on the ground creating like always small particule that will go back in ecosystem and nurish it (3nd layer).