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The Future: What´s next.

This project was born unpretentious: I didn't want it to be anything more than a Fabricademy final project. However, once I was shaping it, I understood that the project had the ability to grow and even transform into other projects.

The evolution of the game over time.

The game has a “base” that does not change -the handmade quilt-, but also has the emotional value of handmade objects. Blankets have a greater perceived value if they last over time, if they accompany upbringing. However, the interests of children change and the adventures of families mutate. In this sense, this game allows that the activities related- not all, but many of them - can be varied as many times as we want. The markers can be others, leading to other songs... the story can be different ...and the challenges to which it relates, too.

In other words, we will have as many games as we want-

A new business model.

In a similar logic, I understand that this project has the potential to become an ultra personalized product-service system project. It could be part of a business model in which different products with artisanal value could be developed, but also adding the particular value of each individual story. There can be unique tailor-made games with the ability to integrate and heal families.

A manifesto.

This story is intended to be a manifesto: it is my way of shouting out loud and in a playful way the story of many other women who face the delicate balance between motherhood, physical and mental health and professional life in a patriarchal society.

Last update: October 8, 2021