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Through this project, I want to experiment an other approach to the mountain with my clothes, slower and more poetic, not based on performance, but focused on feeling the natural elements such as the wind.




Jacket fabrication


These are my mountain clothes. As you can see, there are warm and they keep me safe from the cold, the rain or the wind. They are made to perform. They help me with going quicker or higher in the mountain because they are light. But at the same time, they keep me away from the natural elements, they mark a distance between me and the nature. And sometimes, I’m going to the mountain just to watch the beauty of the nature, and not to make a performance.

Through this project, I want to experiment an other approach to the mountain with my clothes, slower and more poetic, not based on performance ; but focused on feeling the natural elements such as the wind. I’ve always been fascinated by it’s power, it can be cold and strong but also soft and gentle.


The jacket is made of a woolen textile and upcycled paragliding fabric. I chose to use wool because the aim of the project is to go to the moutain, so the jacket should keep safe from the cold. The fibers of wool have insulated propreties that keep you warm when it’s cold outside. It’s aslo a natural material.


I chose to use paragliding fabric because there are a lot of paragliding in my region so I just collected an old one that I upcycled. This is a very light and resistant fabric and it’s the perfect material to play with the wind, because it’s first aim is to be in the air, to fly in the wind.


I share with you this drawing that I made at the begining of the project and that I reused to draw the details, I just draw on it.


For each paraglading element, I made a quick and dirty test, I went to the mountain with them and I tried them in the wind to see how they react. I draw a paraglading sail : it’s made of different pieces of fabric sewn all together. So, I had to cut them with scissors to have these 30 cm width pieces. Then, I made some tests with the laser, and cut them to obtain the right shape, and then, I sew the different parts together.


About the fabrication of the jacket : I first made a mock up in real on a model, then I drew my pattern on Illustrator, then I placed the different parts on the fabric. You can see the lining and the woolen part during the process.


So, maybe you saw it on the video, but there are these press buttons both on the paragliding elements and on the jacket. The idea is to attach and detach the paragliding elements where you want. Of course, some of the elements have their own place, for instance these triangles are better under the arms. They are made to be here. But the big ones, you clip them where you want. There are 12 press buttons on the jacket and you can see them here.


I spent a lot of time sewing the fabric, adding the press button, I also made some color tests for the paragliding fabric with ink, but then I decided to let the original white color. I sewed by hand the paragliding details on the textile.

Last update: 2022-05-09