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3. C I R C U L A R F A S H I O N


Open Source Fashion Cookbook

Post-Couture Collective

Eunsuk Hur


First I printed some patterns to cut them out and try the fittings. This was essential to better understand how to create a module. After testing it on paper I decided to use arrows and holes as a fitting.


Creating a module

With the tests on paper I managed to get a sense of how the final piece would look. I used the I Inkscape program to design the final module. The module is composed of lines, circles and arrows and to draw them I used the tools: pen , squares and rectangles , circles ellipses and arcs and stars and polygons

After drawing an arrow and the circle I needed to join them. With the arrow and circle selected I went to the main menu and clicked on the Path option and chose the Union command (Ctrl++). The union of the two removes self-intersections and creates a new shape containing all areas of the original paths.


I used 2mm thick cotton felt as material for cutting. I did some tests with the speed at 50 and three variations of power: 20, 15 and 12.

I used the Due Laser to cut the fabric at Ellora Atelie. Angela helped me configure the file using an inkscape pluginn for the cutter software. The felt was cut with a speed of 50 and a power of 12.

After finding the ideal speed and power to cut the felt, I used inkscape again to create a pattern so that the module is repeated and has less material wastage. In Edit > Clone > Clone Tiling.

Looking at the pattern I noticed that the modules joins created new shapes/other modules. It was something I didn't expect but that made me want to take advantage of them later.



After the modules were cut, I tried to assemble a sample to see possible errors or successes. After assembly, I noticed that there were several holes. I didn't make a circular module with 4 holes.





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Last update: 2022-03-24