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Final Project


WHAT In 1985, a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica was confirmed. In 1987, the Montreal Protocol was gradually signed with the aim of eliminating substances that damage the ozone layer, including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). 2020 would be the year in which there would be a similar hole at the other pole of the planet, in the Arctic, if the protocol did not exist. Twenty years later, the entire ozone layer would completely disappear. 2021 Antarctic ozone hole reached its maximum area on Oct. 7 and ranks 13th-largest since 1979. The UV self-care collection emerges from this Anthropocene scenario through the UV Bag and Bucket Bio Hat fashion accessories.

WHY Here in Brazil we receive high incidence of solar rays throughout the year. Eye and skin diseases, premature aging and immune suppression are the main effects of this sun exposure. Protecting yourself from the sun (sunblock, umbrella, glasses…) can help prevent these effects.

WHO Ideal for people who prefer self-care when exposed to solar radiation.

WHEN The project had its development for 4 months:

STAGE 1 2 3 4
Concept, Sketches, References x
Organize materials for first tests x x
Prototyping and testing x x x
Growing materials - kombucha x x x
Electronic prototyping x x
Construction of the digital model of the bag x x
3D printing of the bag parts x x
Joining materials and finishing products x x
Video editing and production x
Preparation of the final presentation x

WHERE Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.

HOW There are two ways to purchase the products: online (instagram e-commerce through your store) and pop-up (concept store on site-specific museums). Purchases are in order format, there is no prompt delivery. Customer journey: 1) instagram > store > buy=order >payment; 2) museums > concept store > fitting room > order > payment.

UV Self Care

Bucket Biohat and UV Bag are fashion accessories with a self-care factor from the UV Care collection by the Plasma brand.


produced with bacterial cellulose protective from UVA and UVB rays


produced with bacterial cellulose capable of protecting the face from UVA and UVB rays

Kombucha leather

Along the course, some biotissues (bacterial cellulose) were collected to produce the items in the collection. After I prototyped the muscle tee shirt model with the help of a leather seamstress in the city where I live, and put it on, I understood what the mentors had said about the roughness of biofabric. I chose to make it in patchwork and using different weights of the fabric to make it more malleable. It wasn't as comfortable as I expected. I applied a mixture of wax for wooden cooking equipment on the biofabric and I didn't notice more comfort, but I noticed that it kept it longer without the proliferation of fungi. I understood that bacterial cellulose could be an ideal material for making accessories.






UV bag (beach version) is a wearable that checks the incidence of sun rays and alerts the harmful degrees according to your sun exposure. Through the display, we visualize the expressions of the emojis that alert when the level of sunlight is low/moderate, high or extreme. Alerts are signs that can remind us to take special care, such as remembering to use sunscreen when it's high or looking for shade when it's extreme.

The hybrid of materials through chains and carabiners made by biodegradable 3D printing and crochet with recycled cotton perform the versatility of Brazilian urban beaches and so that its use is natural and easily mixed with the user's routine, the wearable is powered by solar energy.


3d printing



Display and solar panel holder



Mid Term

Planning and pitch

Last update: 2022-06-30