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12. Soft robotics

WEEK 12:

For this week I would like to try to make an inflatable object in bio silicone. Looking for a utility or a necessity, I have found that the incorrect positioning of the hand on the computer mouse for many hours can produce what is known as: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. So I will try to make an object that will help to avoid this situation.


What is the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway surrounded by bones and ligaments on the palm side of your hand. When the median nerve is compressed, the symptoms can include numbness, tingling and weakness in the hand and arm.

Image from internet

Research: Hands and mouse

Heavy use of a computer mouse or keyboard, combined with awkward working postures of the hands and wrist, can result in a repetitive strain injury to the wrist/s. This in turn causes swelling around the wrist which leads to increased pressure over the median nerve, resulting in the onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Do you spend your days typing on a computer and using a mouse? If you’re like most working people today, the answer is probably yes. More and more people are spending more time on their laptops and desktops than ever, whether for work or fun. With this increased usage comes consequences. Carpal tunnel is a serious problem today. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS) One of the most important factors in finding the best mouse for hand pain is what’s referred to as ergonomy. The best mouse for hand pain will be one that enables your hand to go through natural movements. As previously mentioned, in order to prevent carpal tunnel, your wrists ought to be kept neutral and be able to form a straight line with your forearms. It follows that your mouse should comply with these demands. Another factor to consider is your mousepad. With the advent of laser-tracking mice, mousepads have become far less common than they once were. Still, using an ergonomic mouse pad will help make it easier to use your ergonomic mouse. Likewise, the ergonomics of the mousepad will allow you to move the mouse with greater ease.


For this project I will try to make a kind of Hand-pad. For this I am going to use a bio silicone with a gelatin base. -There would be 2 layers. A thin upper layer and a slightly thicker and less flexible lower layer. This would be the base, the upper layer would be the support of the hand. Both layers will be joined with silicone as well, but leaving a tunnel for air to enter the pad.

The result should be a pad to support the hand, trying to keep it straight (arm and wrist angle relationship) and comfortable.

In this scheme taken from the web we can see the incorrect or correct position in relation to the angle of the wrist and arm.

Online references

Products that are online to try to fulfill this hand-holding function.


I am going to try to make a kind of inflatable cushion, which can be graduated the amount of air. The material will be Bio silicone.

The first step was to make a mold with Play-Dough.

Second step was to prepare the bio silicone formula.

  • 240 Ml water

  • 50 gr gelatin

  • 50 gr glycerin

On medium high heat dilute both products in the water and stir and cook for approximately 7 minutes.

I applied two independent thin layers on a plastic surface. One for the base and the other for the mold. After it was dry to the touch (approximately 10 minutes) this thin layer, I placed it on the mold and both were left to dry for two days.

The 3rd step was to remove the Play-Dough and put one layer on top of the other. Then to prepare the formula again to seal both sides. Between the layers put an element that allows air to enter. In a few days, when it is completely dry, I will try to shape it and give it a more defined form.


In this video you can see that the result so at the moment, fulfills the function of filling with air.

Last update: 2021-12-13