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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

In the first week of fabricadimy I met new amazing colleges, instructors and ideas. In this week I will take you through my research and a peak to my project, and I will show what I leaned and some tools that I used to design my own website using markdown

Research & Ideation

Up to 85% of clothing and textiles end up in a landfill, even though 95% can be reused and recycled. In the USA, for example, clothing and household textiles currently make up around 6.3% of the waste stream or the equivalent of around 37 kilograms per person thrown away annually. The importance of recycling textiles is increasingly being recognized. An estimated 100 billion garments are produced annually, worldwide. Over half of the textiles and clothing made in the world is cotton based, the fashion industry is a large consumer of the 18 billion kilograms each year. To grow one kilogram, the crop demands 20,000 liters of water. To put this figure into perspective, that same kilogram of cotton produces enough fabric for one t-shirt and a pair of jeans. More than 120 million trees are cut down each year to make our clothing. This act creates a snowball effect, because trees are known to naturally sequester carbon.

Any clothing, household textile or commercial linen textile as long as it is DRY and has NO ODOR can be reused and recycled. Even if the item is stained, torn, overly worn or out-of-date. By reducing the amount of clothing and textile products going into landfills (through reuse or recycling), the following can be achieved: 1. Reduce the need to create more landfill space (bearing in mind that synthetic fiber products do not decompose and that natural fibers may release greenhouse gasses); 2. Reduce pollution created by incinerators; 3. Provide low cost clothing to low income households all over the world; and 4. Save the environment from tons of harsh chemicals, waste products and waste water used in the manufacturing of clothing; 5. Avoided use of virgin fibers; 6. Reduced consumption of energy and water; 7. Pollution avoidance; and 8. Lessened demand for dyes.



Atom is a free and open-source text and source code editor for macOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows with support for plug-ins written in JavaScript, and embedded Git Control. Developed by GitHub, Atom is a desktop application built using web technologies.

I used Atom to customize my website locally and by locally I mean I'm using a desktop application to edit codes and I'm not editing directly using GitLab I prefer using Atom because I can preview my edits while working, and I can save my edits and push them globally at anytime

Git Bash git bash is the application that allows you to communicate with git from atom you can learn more about git and how to download it, configure it and everything you might need HERE

I Changed The Following

When you first open atom or git lab IDE you will find a templet that you can change and customize to be yours

I added my name and changed the website color to black and added my logo as an icon for the page basically making it look more like me

To add pictures and links in markdown you cant just copy past or drag and drop a picture you need to write code telling markdown what you want to add and these are the codes you use

To add picture

To add link

To adjust the picture

Adding Videos

It is a bit different for video adding, To add a video - make yourself a page on YouTube

  • download the video you want to add horizontally because for some reasons YouTube can not recognize vertical videos

  • publish you video ( public )

  • go to share and choose embed copy the link and past in atom

Documenting My Steps

When you go to the first assignment you will find a templet as will that you can change or delete it is just for you to take some ideas and to make sure you dont miss anything

Index page

Here I changed the pictures by adding the links of the ones I want instead of the avatar pictures

This page is the first page of the website the one that describes you, your work and what you want to do

I added this table following the steps made in the assignments table above, and it has links that opens Instagram pages, PDFs, and YouTube videos and it was a part to say what I do

Then I added pictures for my previous projects and work, and wrote descriptions, You can take a look at them HERE

Push Globally

when you are done documenting in atom and want to push you documentation to the website follow the steps below - go to the file downloaded on you computer OS

  • click on git folder then the folder with you name

  • right click anywhere and choose show more options, then git bash here a black window will open

  • right these command in order, pay attention to the spaces

  • git add . ( to add what you changed )

  • git commit -m".." ( to commit changes you can write what you did between " ")

  • git status ( to make sure everything is good )

  • git push ( to push to the website )

If you ever made changes directly from the website and you want to use atom again write git pull before git add

Tips and Tricks

A very useful links to help you achieve what you want

markdown cheat sheet helps you customize your website

Yaml validation To make sure you are on the right track

Tiny png To resize your pictures

Canva This is an amazing tool to design pictures and videos

Resize image To change the height and width of you picture

Last update: 2022-11-21