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The ongoing project has the objective of creating various biomaterials and biocomposites from discarded jute bags that are typically used for transporting goods worldwide. The project adheres to the cradle-to-cradle principles of material design, focusing on the entire life cycle of materials and their related product outcomes.

The topic at its core focuses on the issue of waste and the disposal of resources. By reimagining the current systems of production, my project starts at the end of a linear consumption path, where jute bags are discarded in large quantities. The starting point for it was a coffee company that burns 90 tons of jute bags annually. My goal is to transform the discarded jute bags into a variety of different materials to retrieve their value and try to bridge the gap between anthropogenic and biomass. Through understanding material beyond the image of a product, the most interesting thing about jute is that it can function in both the biosphere as a natural material and the technosphere as a technical material, being a perfect resource to build our common environment.

For my final project in Fabricademy, I have chosen to delve deeper into the usage of jute fibers and explore the potential of creating a basic fabrication element such as a board, that can be used for multiple indoor and outdoor purposes. My aim was to create an affordable, low-tech material that can be implemented in our environment today.

Final Presentation Slideshow

Movie Final Project

Thesis PDF