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æ sensation map concept

The idea to create a kit of textile electronics sensors was born out of personal experience. I had the opportunity to create workshop content for teachers and students in Lithuanian Schools FabLabs and during this time noticed that the adoption of technology is more courageous and easier if the final object is produced more quickly, with lower costs and simpler tools.

During the process, the technical needs were clarified and it became clear that the equipment could be small and not necessarily factory-grade. Another aspect that emerged during the process is that soft electronics leave a lot of room for the individual's imagination and do not limit the material and technical possibilities in the way that hard, large, and rigid objects can.

School FabLabs are mostly staffed by technology teachers, among whom quite a few women teach textile technology. With this project, I want to encourage them to enter the world of electronics and start advanced 21st-century textile technologies in the classroom.

One of the tangible goals of the project is to create online documentation, which can be accessed by scanning the QR code on the back of the sample next to the schematics.

The documentation consists of images, fabrication files and step by step instructions.


æ sensation map by Ieva Marija Dautartaite


Thesis PDF

Ieva Marija Dautartaitė Fabricademy 2022-2023 by Ieva Marija Dautartaite

Last update: 2023-05-11