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Making sample for calculate the final dimension

Step 1 - Make a samples.

  • Choose the yarn and the tension of the knitting machine.
  • 30 needles x 40 rows.
  • Iron
  • Mesure in cm.

If the sample is 10cm wide = 30 meshes

10cm length = 40 rows tension 5

Example: Desired dimensions of the final 16cm wide work the calculation will be :

16cm=16x30/10=48mesh (needles) of the stroke /2 to have our symmetry of the center 24 that is 24 needles on each side of the 0 on our machine.

For the length: We want a length of 46cm = find the number of rows (what appears on our counter)

46cm = 46x40/10=184 rows

Last update: 2023-10-21