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  • Notion app - for taking notes
  • Gitlab - for making a website
  • Photoshop - adapting the picture

Making graphic in markdown with mermaid

graph TB
  A[step1] --> B[step7];
  B --> A;
  B --> C[step2];
  C --> D[step3];
  E --> C[step4];
  A --> F[step5];
  F --> G[step6];

of the week :

I discover Gitlab and learn more about the code. I lost myself a lot for learning to make a graphic and changing the theme.

Principale are : - to add an images with this fonction :

![Title of your picture](link of the picture) { width=size of your picture align=right }
- to add bold with 2 stars
** **
- to use this for not having a mess in the page
<p style="clear: both;"></p>
- to use this for adding a link inside description of picture
<figure markdown>
![](link of the picture){ width=XXX align=XXX }
  <figcaption> <a href="https://www.yourlink" target="_blank">Description of your link you want clickable</a></figcaption>

  • to transform Notion in markdown for using more easily in my documentation. Thanks Diane Wakim for this tips.

after fews weeks and months some reflexions and tips:

Take your time for document correctly step by step with the good quality of picture. I learn so much about it, I'm feel sometimes like a butterfly, going to right and left and difficult to fix my attemption when I discover so much new imformation.

Documenting my work was not always easy, more you do, more you have to document, more you need time...

And buy a lot of chocolate, go walking in forest or outside and taking time with friends and family is so important I lost this part a lot.

In may,july : I'm late on it...

June, Trying to fix where I put this and this about the final project for having something coherent of the navigation. Going back to learn markdown :)

My update are : * Creating folders of the week where having the possibility to add page on them and keeping a nice structure. But I didn't imagine will be more complex. I follow a lot the navigation part

Inside the mkdocs.yml I had

     #  Read more
    - navigation.tabs
    - navigation.sections
    - navigation.indexes
    - navigation.path
    - header.autohide
My folder of my weeks are now organize :

The name of the folder > inside :

I have to change the name of the links picture adding for arriving to go on the folder of them:


Arborescence final project

July, Louise Massacrier help me for arriving to fix my arborescence of my final project and the week6.

Icons markdown

Following this part :

Others resources

Markdown help

Last update: 2023-10-21