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11. Implications and applications

Research & Concept

For this week's assigment we had to think about our final project and create a project pitch about it.

Since the beginning of Fabricademy course, this is something I've had trouble thinking about. There are so many new things I have experienced and learned about. Each week was focused quite intensely on a particular topic. And suddenly it's very hard to focus on choosing one project idea. So I really took this week as an opportunity to take a breath and look back at the last few months and think about what are the closest themes to me and what I could create to bring about a local change.

References & Inspiration

We began the week with the lecture of Oscar Tomico. And then continued with the miro tutorial with Laetitia Thomas. At the start of the tutorials I was kind of lost, because I didn't had the defined project idea, so I didn't know what exactly category to choose. I decided to join the Fashion design group because this was more close to my activity. The lecture sticked to the idea of how we could rethink, reform, transform and hack the design process. How we could think about what a good design is and it is currently a good design and how that could maybe change in the future.

I thought alot about how I would like to challange myself and how Fabricademy could be best of help. I started with writing down all the things I liked experiencing in this course. And this were the main topics:

  • Bio Fabrication
  • Circular Open Source Fashion
  • Textile Scaffolding
  • Open Source Hardware

I also was thing of the materials that feel more convinient to work with. So there were no doubt that this will be natural materials, fibers. But still in the other hand I was thinking of what I can do to help or improve my nearest aria. For exemple this microuniverse called Ziphouse Fashion Innovation Hub, in which I work as a project manager at this moment.

Here, as having a coworking space for fashion and textile startups we deal with some big amount of fabric leftovers.

all participants devided in groups related to their finale project idea

the different steps of the circular value chain

brainstorming with the group

I had a difficulty to form my question correct. They were more like ideas on finding the solutions rather than setting the questions.

brainstorming with the group HMW

I guess it's easier to follow the tutorials when you are defined what do you want to explore in your finale project. This is why i took a break to think about, to sketch and brainstorm about the finale idea proposals.


I decided to stick around the idea that I want to make interior design objects made out of textile remnants from our ZIPHOUSE co-working space. Instead of throwing away, designers will donate their textile waste knowing they made a difference in the world. I hope it will raise awareness to the importance of fabric recycling, design thinking and will expand not only within our small community from Ziphouse designers, but will grow, gathering also the factories to rethink their waste management and influence a change.


From January untill March


At Ziphouse Design Hub. The co-working space.


Because more than 10 residents of the Hub and other fashion enthusiasts who take a day pass, gather in the co-working space daily, leaving behind them a lot of the textiles remains.

It is a great opportunity and also a challenge to rethink their discharge and reuse as a primary material in creating biomaterial based objects.


The furniture pieces are aimed for everybody. First it will be made for the entrance holl to set a showcase area with the results of Fabricademy journey. It should be designed to intrigue and interact with people that visit our Hub.

Slide show

Last update: 2023-02-28