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Hello Fab World!

Welcome to my Fabricademy website where I will record my journey through the program over the next 6 months...documenting my learnings and efforts...successes and failures.

I am thrilled to be here and look forward to all the amazing adventures to come.

About Me

I am a firm believer in the magic and importance of enrich the world and spark meaningful solutions to real problems.

I currently live in KAMAKURA, Japan...a quirkly town with 800 years of history, ancient temples...and surfers.

Zaimokuza Beach...surfer with Mt. Fuji in the distanceTsuru Hachimangu Temple on New Year's day...big crowdKenchoji Buddha Statue

Here I run a small FABLAB that provides local kids with an environment to play and become independent, creative thinkers. SKYLAB WORKSHOP is my life-long dream in the making...a STEAM learning space that emphasizes the catalyst for transformative thinking and making.

Before Japan, I lived in the USA and Hong Kong...and evolved through several manifestations as a designer in architecture firms...

then a Portfolio Manager in an Investment Management firm...

...before discovering the Fablab, the Fab Network...and finally...finally finding my tribe.
Fab Gurus

I graduated from FAB ACADEMY in 2019 and have been a Fab Academy instructor since. Here is my Fab Academy website. The decision to participate Fabricademy was inspired by my late friend and great mentor...FIORE Basile.

While I have some serious fears that I am stretching well beyond my capability...the program's focus on human engagement, environmental sustainability in an explorational methodologies is super appealing to me. I really look forward to learning and being inspired by all the instructors and participants in the program.

I have a very wide range of interests...from film photography to motorcycles, cinema to sea kayaking and kendo, jazz to street food, to *buddhism* to science fiction** (and that's the shortlist!). I am in awe of the richness of cultures and wonders in the world...and always look for opportunities to engage with other dreamers and fabbers from all around the planet.

Photographic Work

Prometheus Kofu Beard Starburst Veridian Giza Pyramids

Last update: 2022-09-29