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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

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First Week at fabric Academy

In my first week of Fabricademy ,I had met a wonderful colleges ,with fantastic instructors and able to decking more and discover some ideas of what textile academy are ,my interesting part was watching previous final project for Fabricademy students and get inspired by some of their work specially Julie Merllino Yet the journey at the begging and the important of use a documentation tool so we get introduce to “Gitlab “tools to help us to organize works, researches and connection with Fabricademy people.

Then discovering and using a wonderful tools “Atom” which works locally from my laptop then I can upload my documents and share my work with others.
The advantage of using Atom that I can preview my modification directly. Both tools you should write in MKDoc language which I am happier to start remembering using HTML code as well.

Here below you may find more about my learing process and important note don't mix HTML code with MarkDown

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as can be seen markdown have some limitation like make underline so a html code must be written inside Atom with important advice keep it simple since too much html code can affect the deployment of webpage.

describe what you see in this image describe what you see in this image

for the style and theme you need to change it from YML.file in Atom or GitLAb as shown in the image above.

Last update: 2022-11-08