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1. State of the art, project management and documentation

( All images are mine unless marked with a hyperlink )

Chaotic computer desktop

This week was focused in setting up our personal sites and learning to use markdown language. This was all very new to me but I found my footing after a bit of trial and error. We also talked about some open source image and video editing sites and I worked on editing some old work and gathering inspiration images. I also cleaned up my very messy, chaotic desktop to prepare for lots of image editing to come!

For this week's purposes I kept my code editing pretty simple and got used to uploading and inserting media, adding hyperlinks and headings.

Learning Process

Here is my little cheat sheet for edits I made this week



![image description] (../images/folder/image name)
     You can also play with size and alignment
    ![image description] (../images/folder/image name){ width=300 align=right }

[Hyper link text] (

I also played with a grid to show an image for each week that links to a unique page
This is my default image I will fill in as the weeks progress
[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } 
this is followed by the page it link to
Week title](../assignments/

|[![](../images/week1.png){ width=175 } Project management](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Digital bodies](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Circular fashion](../assignments/|
|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Biochromes](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 }  E-textiles](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Biofabricating ](../assignments/|
|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Open-source hardware ](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Computational couture](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Textile scaffold](../assignments/|
|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Wearables ](../assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } SoftRobotics](./assignments/|[![](../images/default.png){ width=175 } Skin electronics](../assignments/|

Current inspirations

These are some images I'm thinking about as I begin my fabricademy journey! I am very intersted in combining organic and synthetic materials to question my own ideas of "naturalness". I also have a facination with weaving drafts, modular patterning and the symmetry of historical craft objects due to their paralells to digital things.

I'm not sure yet where my fabricademy journey will take me but I've started collecting inspirations for the coming weeks. I plan to begin each week with a mood board as a jumping off point. However I would like to remain open as I know my ideas will shift as I take on so many new skills and techniques.

My Tumblr where I collect images
My sketchbook archive

compilation of images

  1. Overshot weaving draft drawings
  2. Nature + Surrealism
  3. Mended cloth
  4. Lace made from roots
  5. Ascii art
  6. Symmetry
  7. Inflatables
  8. Wood Grain
  9. Droplets of water and designs constructed from units
  10. Algorithms inspired by patterns in nature
  11. Growth patterns of bacteria

Artists I love

Crocheted membrane Crocheted membrane by Sonja Baeumel

Textiles grown from roots by Diana Scherer

Anika Yi's scultpure using bacteria

Fabric made from roots Anika Yi's scultpure using bacteria

Alice Pott's crystals grown from sweat

Alice Pott's crystals grown from sweat

Computer1.0 from victoria manganiello on Vimeo.