1. D O C U M E N T A T I O N¶
State of the art, project management and documentation
I N S P I R A T I O N¶
My work has always had a fasination with the human figure.
One of my greatest passions is life drawing.
I originallty started lifedrawing in 2016. At the time I was trying to develop my understanding of the female form to help along my wearable illustrations. I felt it was best to know what it looks like 'under' all the clothes, in order successfully illustrate a design.
During lockdown 2020, I became completely obsessed with zoom fascilitated life drawing. I found I could draw models all around the world at any time of day! I once completeted a non-stop 24-hour life drawing marathon that comprised of over 50 models.
Since then my fascination has grown and devloped even more. After completing, quite possibly thousands of life drawings in every style and material I could possibly think of and try.
I then decided I wanted to know more about the human body.
After feeling comfortable understanding what was 'under the clothes' I wanted to know, what is under the skin?
A N A T O M Y¶
I have spent the last while trying to grasp and understand anatomy. Starting off with the skeleton and refernce points, I have built up knowelege of various muscles, the direction of the fibres, the ligaments and movements. The more I learn, the more I want to learn!
With this, I hope to further my knowelege and research and adapt it into something wearble.
My aim is to ‘bring the inside out
R E S E A R C H¶
D O C U M E N T A T I O N¶
Cracking Code...
Some small things that confused me (eg. starting a new line) I had to consult google and that worked out just fine.
L I N K S¶
Helpful Links to use Markdown
I found Markdown Guide very helpful to get a basic understanding of language and the do's and do NOT'S!
Markdown Guide Extended Syntax
Tutorials - Julian Gallimore - GitLab & MkDocs slides 2022-23
Tutorials - Claudia Simonelli - Visual Documentation + Media Editing Live Demo 2023
Tutorial: How to edit your website
I M A G E S¶
It is essenitail to keep images at the lowest possible file size (around 100 KB)
I found downloading ImageOptim my favourite compressor for images
I also saved the images into folders matching the name and week that I created for them on gitlab - so that they aare easily traceable is there is any issues.
With GIF's, I would lower the image file size and import them into EZGIF to create gif and 'Optimize' to the lowest file size possible.
With videos, I found it helpful to upload them to vimeo and embed into website