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01.State of the Art

Living moodboard



My main inspiration is nature, maybe is a cliché, but everything that I look forward to is achieving a lifestyle that is more in balance with it. That's why looking at it, how it is, how the different organisms, shapes, colors, textures are connected; understanding its importance... it is essential for me to achieve my goal.

So if you look at my living moodmoard you can find different natural patterns, shapes, colors, movement, symbiosis... For the past year I've been really into redefining waste as material with value and combining it with design so you can give much more meaning to the result.

The moodboard is organized with a graphic tool called Procreate in order to write with my own hand-writting.


The first weeek was a little messy. I couldn't manage to combine the last week of collage with the starting of Fabricademy, so I watched all the tutorials in the same trip as I was coming to Bilbao. As there were a lot of information I did one of my mind maps to organize all the new information.

Mind map

The next day I was ready to start filling The About. I started appliying the first steps learned at the first tutorial and thanks to the help from my collegues, I achieved to complete the information. Learning the GitLab language was easy beacause we had programming classes back at college.

Nevertheless, I struggle with uploading the photos and with the organization, so I decided to plan the next steps of documenting so it is easier and quicker. The photos must be written down without any spaces and it is very useful to name the pictures as you're going to upload a lot of them.

Videos from Vimeo

Following the instructions I uploaded the videos from my computer succesfully: upload the video to Vimeo, share the link and copy it; introduce directly the link to GitLab as:

 <iframe title="vimeo-player" src="" width="640" height="453" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Revision day helped to see what other changes I could do:

  • Giphs
  • Add credit description
  • White spaces ...

Here is a little resume of the most important things for the first steps in GitLab

Where to find mostly everything

It also helped to understand the importance of documentation and reviewing other classmates from past years :)

Last update: 2021-11-27